Is my house cursed?

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Howdy. I’m at my summer house right now and I’ve actually been quite depressed and extremely anxious here. It usually happens every summer ( when we come here) and yeah, probably since 8th grade when I encountered the Holy Spirit at confirmation. Nevertheless last night I barely slept, it’s been getting harder to breathe in this house even when I open windows ( lot of yawning ), my faith has been dwindling, and overall I’ve been very sad and anxious. Since my summer house is built on the property of what was a (very small) casino, I think that whatever demons dwelled there may still be lurking and be trying to attack me in my house. This place is usually where I experience the most mental pain (usually after a week or two staying in the house, the more time, the worse it gets),so I just want all your opinions. Do you think my house is cursed?
You know, I thought that, but apparently we can’t have that here. We don’t have monoxide, but we do have the alarm for it. The house has good maintenance. Few issues, except for a centipede infestation last year. Wasn’t bad at all however.
Ain’t gambling a sin? Lust as well? I ain’t really got severe depression or anxiety, which is why I think this place is cursed.
Casinos do not foster “lust” unless they have some sort of a risque show going on in them. The vast majority of casinos I have patronized in my life had no such thing.

Gambling in moderation, for fun, is not a sin. Gambling becomes a sin when someone goes beyond moderation or fun and starts spending money they don’t have, or neglecting God or their family or their other responsibilities to go gamble, or having their life revolve around whether they won at the casino rather than around God, etc.

In addition, the fact that some people might commit sins at anyplace and everyplace does not put a curse on those places. The previous owners of every house or apartment I ever lived in probably committed some sins there because humans are sinful, and I have added to the pile with my own sins. My houses and apartments do not end up cursed as a result.
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Get your house blessed by a priest and maybe get some counseling for relaxation techniques. It seems that perhaps you are experiencing a self fulfilling prophecy. You think about last time you were there and got anxious, and you expect it to happen every time, so it does.
No, while people definitely are influenced by their surroundings with regards to mood, demons do not have an “address.”

This isn’t an endorsement of Church Militant, I’m not commenting on that one way or the other, but this might be helpful:

CM: How can Catholics protect themselves from diabolical influence?

Fr. VL:
  1. Attend church. God does not intend for us to walk alone.
  2. Pray.
  3. Use Scripture for prayer and reflection, especially the Prologue of John’s Gospel, which begins:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him: and without him was made nothing that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
  1. Above all, the person is encouraged to remain focused on Jesus Christ — not on the devil or evil, despite the evil one’s attempt to distract and discourage. There is no quick fix for overcoming the assaults of the devil. Like all aspects of the spiritual life, it is a process, it is a journey.

CM: What misconception do you notice that people have about exorcisms or the demonic?

Fr. VL: Some people believe that God and the devil are on the same playing field. However, we must remember that although the devil is powerful, he is still a creature and in no way equal to God the Creator of all things visible and invisible.

–Fr. Vincent Lampert, , exorcist for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis
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You are absolutely right. I don’t know how this casino was so I can’t really tell, but Would yo I say it is possible for a house or a specific item to be cursed? I mean if they can be blessed, shouldn’t a curse also be possible?
Thank you, it was very helpful. Indeed God is far mightier than the devil, but my only question is why is it that I am only attacked when in this house?
That cut deep and I’ll definitely keep it in mind, but there’s gotta be something I’m missing. I come here with an open mind but the same thing happens over and over, I really thought I found comfort here.
If you trust in Jesus, any curses out there can’t touch you, they’re just bunk.
Stay close to Mother Mary and St. Joseph also, that will help.
It is possible that something about the surroundings or even your past affects your mood.
Is anybody else affected this way? I thought the suggestion to consider possible factors such as carbon monoxide or mildew was very good. That kind of thing can have serious health consequences.
It is also possible that you are somewhat more inclined to accept the torments you’re feeling at that location, but that is no matter once you realize there is no address where your guardian angel doesn’t patrol.
You cannot go wrong by both eliminating physical possibilities or other things in your practical control and positively moving your attention towards a closer reliance on Our Lord and the normal avenues of spiritual progress.
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We don’t have carbon monoxide and nobody else feels the same at all. The house does have a bit of a past with family drama and talking about it is kinda sad I won’t lie. It always had an eerie feeling to it. I’m not saying it was demons the entire time, I’m just saying it never felt normal.
Thank you. I have been close to Jesus lately, closer than my past self so I am just wondering why this is happening, again. The entire house just brings an eerie vibe to me and it’s hard to wrap my head around.
Well, it is an opportunity to get closer to your guardian angel and perhaps to confront and work through some difficult feelings that you’ll need to work through before the Beatific Vision. I don’t mean to re-live them but to feel safe from them because of the theological virtues working in you.
Physical things like mildew sometimes affect one family member but not others.
You’re right. I always did get a bit of anxiety when I was away from home. As far as I know, I don’t have severe anxiety to the point where I need pills so I will turn my eyes to Christ and our Blessed Mother, thank you.
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