Is my husband a sinner?

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My husband uses drugs. He is an addict. I Love him and make to join rehab program. I insist on faith-based one to keep him closer to God. I read about such programs on Addiction Resource. I believe that God will help my husband to recover if he accepts his sin. His faith is weak now, but I will help him find God.

God keep you!
HI Catherine, are you asking for prayers 🙂 or asking if your husband is a sinner? or both?

I will pray for you and also, what we know is that we are all sinners, every one of us. Not one of us is unique in sinning. Whatever the sin.
Addiction is an illness. He is so fortunate to have your love.
Thank you for the warm words. I really need some support now, as it is hard to live next to the addicted person and help him to recover. And thank you for your prayers.

Me foolish. Of course, we all are sinners.
Please put yourself and any children first. Your husband will need to really want to do this himself before he can be helped, even then, it will be a long road and very difficult
I’m sorry but I cannot leave my husband behind. For many years, we supported each other and I cannot leave him alone. I know that somewhere deep inside his sole, he scares to go this path. He needs me.
Hi Catherine.,Drug addiction has been diagnosed as a disease, even though someone chooses to do it. It happens in the best of families. Yes your husband needs to be in rehab and there are some really good ones out there and insurance companies now pay for them. Catherine, your husband needs to want to go into rehab. I don’t believe that he needs to be called a sinner, nobody woke up one day and said I want to be a drug addict. If he finds the right rehab and later goes to N.A. meetings, he will find his way back as his mind and body starts to heal. You need to be supportive of him. God will watch over him on his journey back to Him. Pray for him, our prayers will also be with him, Catherine, google 'is drug addiction a disease ’ you will find many answers and maybe a good rehab. Wherever you live I am sure there are also rehabs. Do not make your husband feel that he is this big sinner.,for this may make him feel worse. Let him take those first ‘baby steps for help’ God bless you both. i.e, I had a brother who had an addiction…
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Not so if he gets in the right program. He may be away for up to three months, but that will be the beginning of his healing. Yes, if he is willing to do this, medical doctors are at the rehabs as well as round the clock nurses and doing this a (name removed by moderator)atient will make it easier for him and his family. The husband deserves a chance.God bless.
I am not saying that. I am saying just put yourself first. And know that until he wants to quit the addiction, there is nothing , unfortunately, we can do.
Anna, your words make me feel better. I want to believe that there is no his fault in addiction. But every time a thought that God tests me makes me feel depressed. In any case, I will stand. I will be strong!
Yes, if he is willing to do this, m
Thats exactly what I am saying, an addict has to be willing to do this. And until that time, and through that time, his support must put themselves first.
And his support and loved ones need professional help and support themselves.
The damage addiction does to family needs the counselling and services available to them as well.
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Catherine, where do you think God is testing you? Maybe He is using you as an instrument by giving your husband that one little nudge in the right direction…Talk to your doctor, or see if there is an N.A. meeting close to you…Either one will have good info…God bless and keep you and your family. Prayers will be with you everyday…
It is simply not correct that there is no fault of his for his addiction. This is coming from a ex drug addict and alcoholic. I am not saying that to be uncharitable just hear me out…

Yes, the AMA calls addiction a disease but that does not mean one has no responsibility in their addiction. Their choices brought on their “disease” it did not spontaneously happen to them through no fault of their own. I have spent years in the rooms of alcoholics and narcotics anonymous and one of the most dangerous things I have heard is “It is not your fault, you have a disease” Not that everyone in aa or na believes that. It is nonsense. I willingly choose every hit of drugs I ever took. I willingly drank every beer I have ever drank. When one finds they are addicted it is hard to stop. THAT, is the part that is labeled a “disease” and I am not even convinced it is a disease but my opinion does not matter in that regard. I truly believe based on my 5 years as a hardcore crystal meth addict and a few more years as a big time drunk that it is possible to want to stop but not want to stop at the same time. Just the fact that I kinda wanted to stop but found it so hard to do so did not diminish my responsibility for the choices I made to continue to use and drink.

No drug addict or drunk can tell me different because I know their struggle… I went through their struggle. Thats why I wont coddle anyone with a “its not your fault, you have a disease” approach. You can have a will to stop but a will to keep using drugs at the same time. It is only when the will to stop outweighs the will to keep using that one can stop. Believe me, I know. 10 years later my will not not use drugs never became outweighed by my will to use again.

With that said, he needs to take responsibility for his choices. Not be told “Its not your fault, you have a disease” he needs to be told “Knock it off, you have a wife and kids. Your choices are affecting them” Because using is his choice.

I am glad you want him to get help. He is gonna need it. Prayers said for your family and husband
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