Is my workplace haunted?

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New member
People at my work talk about one specific room more than others as being scary in a haunted sort of way. The usual strange things, in fact before I started work there they got a medium in who said this and that (making things worse?). Oh and someone comes in to perform Reiki.

One particular room some people refuse to sleep in when on the sleepover because of this and they sleep on a sofa in a different room.

I slept in there twice and it was colder than outside.

The second sleep a few days ago was strange. The heater outside the bedroom was working so I left the bedroom door open so some heat would come in, I had the light on in the bedroom, clothes including socks and two winter duvets. I was watching my tablet in bed when I fell asleep, as I awoke the door was closed, the light was off and I had cramp, I hadn’t had cramp at night for about 15 years.

In the morning it was so cold I decided to get dressed and leave but my Rosary that is always in the little pocket in my jeans had my crucifix and St Benedict medal missing, they weren’t in the room at all but were there last night.

Nobody was able to get into where I was to close the door or turn the light off, no electrical problems or timers, the door doesn’t have a spring to close it, I have no logical answers for it all, the windows were closed, there was no draft or air conditioning.

Too many coincidences and it felt creepy in there.
For 20 years my garage converted to room was like that. No matter how much heat or leaving the door open, it had that musty dank smell. Crucifixes never stayed on the wall they were put. In 2012 the house built in 1956) was sold and torn down. Though the wall that replaced the garage door was insulated, the only other external wall was not and water infused into the room slowly under carpet and up the two plaster walls so while other items stayed, the cross kept falling.
Cold: Poor insulation or unknown opening to the outside. (My bedroom used to be cold in the winter because I didn’t realize the top of the windows were cracked open.)
Nobody was able to get into where I was to close the door or turn the light off
I’m curious why you say that.

I’m also wondering if you might sleepwalk occasionally. I know I once woke up and couldn’t find my pillow anywhere. It ended up being 20 feet away by the bathroom door.
People at my work talk about one specific room
One particular room some people refuse to sleep in when on the sleepover because of this and they sleep on a sofa in a different room.
Could you please tell me how I can also get a job sleeping? 😎
I’m sorry someone is doing reiki around you, I once had to endure a person wearing an upside down crucifix. It isn’t a comfortable situation.

Although, if you feel as if something is wrong, you are allowed to use a thumb tack to place a Miraculous medal and Saint Benedict medal in a corner of a room. Do this for the four corners of your house to keep safe if need be.
Working only 14 hours before sleep? Sloth is a common issue. Don’t be too hard on yourself. 😎
what about Mass and confession 😄 satan would be elated, if catholic are selected
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