Is not telling the father you love him and not thanking him for making you a sin?

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I was going through the examination of conscience on the app Laudate and the one on the USCCB website and one of the lines for examining your conscience was:

“ Have I told the Father that I love him for creating me and making me his son/daughter?”

It’s not that I do not love the father for not creating me, I have told God I love him however.

Is this a mortal sin? Something that I should bring up in confession?
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Just add to your prayers that you thank God for the gift of your life,the gift of each new day,ask that you may use each dayHe gives you for His honor and Glory.
I was going through the examination of conscience on the app Laudate and the one on the USCCB website and one of the lines for examining your conscience was:

“ Have I told the Father that I love him for creating me and making me his son/daughter?”

It’s not that I do not love the father for not creating me, I have told God I love him however.

Is this a mortal sin? Something that I should bring up in confession?
This is something that would not occur to a lot of people. If you are praying in union with the Church at Holy Mass, implicitly you are giving this sort of thanks, and expressing this sort of love. (I am referring to spiritual union, not necessarily reciting each word precisely when the missal says to recite them.) It is good advice, and it is a good thing to be more explicit along these lines in your prayer from time to time. And it is possible to pray without words. Just seek to be in union with God and to remain always in His friendship, giving Him glory in all things.

I would not bother mentioning this in confession, if it were me. If you never prayed at all, or just prayed when you get in some kind of trouble, yes, the neglect would be sinful. But if you are in the habit of daily prayer of some kind, you should be fine.
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