Will it be profitable to know the meaning of these symbols?
Symbols :
Keyboard ~ & | $ % ^
or would you expand the set to:
Symbols :
Keyboard ~ & | $ % ^ @ # ≠ ∈ ∉ ⊆ ≈ ≡ α β φ ψ θ
This seems a rather daunting task to learn this Fitch natural deduction language.
Well I completed two of the three undergraduate logic courses offered at my university. The first course dealt with sentential logic. The second class dealt with the more complex first-order logic. The symbols we used were the five basic connectives, and then two quantifiers. There are additional connectives and operators. For instance, “∈” is used in set-theory. If I recall, it means ‘is an element of [a set]’ and we didn’t use it. I’ll start from the top, hopefully that’ll make things clear. Natural deductions can be done with ALL the connectives and operators, so a complete explanation would include all of them. But, alas, I never did set theory or the crazy graduate logic courses. Yet. This might get long - and please remember I am not a teacher nor into grad studies, nor was logic my strongest suit. Any logicians out there, if I left something out or made a mistake, please correct me.
So logic is about sentences called propositions. These are sentences with truth values. There are what are called ‘atomic sentences’ and ‘compound sentences’. Atomic sentences that do not use connectives, and compound sentences use connectives. For instance, ‘It is raining right now’ is an atomic sentence. But ‘it is raining right now and I’m thirsty right now’ is a compound sentence. In the compound sentence, ‘and’ is the connective. When we regiment the sentences into logic, we can symbolize the former as just A. The latter requires the symbolization ‘A and B.’ See how the information given in each atomic sentence of the compound sentence is different? So they need different variables.
So, the five basic connectives are: negation (~ or ¬), conjunction (& or ^), disjunction (v), if-then, conditional, or implication (→ or ⊃), and biconditional (≡). These were all introduced in my (so I assume most) intro to logic course. First-order logic introduces the quantifiers: the existential quantifier (∃) and the universal quantifier (∀)
Negation is simple. It is just ‘not’ or ‘it is not the case that…’ So, if ‘It is raining right now’ is A, ~A reverses back to ‘it is not raining right now’. It makes true statements false, and false statements true. So, if A is false, ~A is true. If ~A is false, A is true.
Conjunction is what we use when see ‘and’ or anything that joins two sentences together. ‘It is raining right now AND I am thirsty right now’ or ‘The sun is up right now BUT I don’t like onions’ both use conjunction as their main connective. They can both be symbolized as A&B. (But not in the same argument) A sentence that uses conjunction as the main connective is true only when both conjuncts are true. So, A and B both have to be true for A&B to be true. If either is false, then the conjoined sentence is false.
Disjunction is what we use whenever we use ‘or’ or anything that works in a similar way. This is what is called the ‘inclusive or’ because it isn’t a ‘one or the other’ type of ors. “I will go to bed OR I’ll stay up talking about logic” is a disjunctive sentence, symbolized as ‘AvB.’ Disjunctive sentences are true so long as one of the disjuncts are true. (So A or B could be true, it doesn’t matter which. So long as one is true, the whole sentence AvB is true) For instance, “I live in California or the moon is made of green cheese” is a true sentence, at this moment.
Conditionals are the if-then statement. If it is raining then the sidewalk is wet. This is symbolized as A⊃B. This can be tricky. If A= It is raining and B= The sidewalk is wet, the sentence ‘the sidewalk is wet when it is raining’ can also be symbolized as A⊃B because it expresses the same information as the first sentence I gave. Conditional sentences are false only when the first part (the antecedent) is true and the second part (the consequent) is false. For the sample sentence, if ‘it is raining’ is true, and ‘the sidewalk is wet’ is false, then ’ if it is raining then the sidewalk is wet’ is false.
Biconditionals are the if-and-only-if statement. ‘The sidewalk is wet if and only if it is raining’ would be symbolized as A≡B. Biconditionals are true when both atomic sentences connected are true, or both false. When one is true and the other is false, then the whole compound sentence is false.
The quantifiers are a little more tricky as they aren’t used in the simpler sentential logic. They require the use of predicate-variable symbolization. I’ll give you the briefest of outlines, but really I think you can gloss over this. Basically, the existential quantifier, ∃, states that something exist. So, ∃xPx could mean ‘at least one thing is a peach’ or ‘peaches exist’ or ‘there exists some X, and that X is a peach.’ The truth of the sentence depends on what is called the ‘universe, or domain, of discourse’, which is just a fancy way of saying ‘the things we’re talking about’. For instance, if our domain is ‘furniture’ then the sentence ‘a chair exist’ is true because I happen to be sitting in one.
The universal quantifier, ∀, attributes a certain predicate to all things. (that’s a very fuzzy way to describe it, but I tried for like ten minutes to give a better description. The example might help) So, ∀xMx could say ‘everything is made of matter’ or ‘for all Xs, X is made of matter.’ Again, the truth of these sentences depend on our domain. If our domain is furniture, I think it’s true - all pieces of furniture are made of matter. But, perhaps,if the domain is ‘everything’, the sentence might be false. A soul isn’t made of matter, right? (Assuming Catholic teaching is true for the sake of argument)