Is Romanian the closest to Latin?

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I wanna know Latin. But I can’t find any apps like 5000 phrases ECT.
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Search the app store/play store for “learn latin.” Quite a few apps come up in google play.
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Romanian is a Romance language.

I heard an Italian historian say that the language closest to Latin is Sardinian, the local language of the island of Sardinia.

Most of Italy has a regional dialect, some linguists classify Sardinian as a separate language.
Most of Italy has a regional dialect, some linguists classify Sardinian as a separate language.
I’ve heard it said that Sardinian is closer to Catalan than to any of the dialects spoken in mainland Italy.
Most of Italy has a regional dialect, some linguists classify Sardinian as a separate language.
The actual distinction between whether it’s a language of its own or a dialect: does it have an army?


Romanian is a Latin based language. It has a thread w Italian, Spainish and French.
Google Learn Latin??
God bless you
Italian, Spanish and Romanian are fairly near to Latin. Perhaps Sardinian is closer to Latin than those three.
If what you’re looking for is closeness to Ecclesiastical Latin, try Portuguese.
For instance, the days of the week:

English ………… Latin ….………… Portuguese
Sunday ……… . Dies dominica …… domingo
Monday ………. Feria secunda …… segunda-feira
Tuesday ……… Feria tertia ………… terça-feira
Wednesday …. Feria quarta ……… quarta-feira
Thursday ……… Feria quinta ….…… quinta-feira
Friday ………… Feria sexta ….…… sexta-feira
Saturday……… Sabbatum …….…. sábado

Or the seven deadly sins:

Pride ……………… superbia ……soberba
Envy ………………. invidia……. inveja
Wrath ……………… ira ………… ira
Sloth ………………. acidia ……. preguiça
Gluttony …………… gula ……… gula
Avarice (greed) …. avaritia …… avareza
Lust …………………luxuria …… luxúria
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