I’m trying to decide so far and am researching. According to scripture which position would be closer to what Christ intended and what would be the reasons as to why?
I was told by one orthodox minister, can’t remember if he meant bishop but he told me that there were two bishops before Peter or something when asking about the verse related to Peter being given the keys after reading about it.
Their side also thinks or argues the pope declaring then having ‘supreme authority’ over other churches originally comes from mainly ‘The influence of the Franks/Charlesmangne on Rome’ and ‘due to that’? Is this true?
He said “It was never intended for the pope to have supreme power over all churches, we have a patriarch but for practical purposes, and he does not wield that kind of power etc” and how it ‘Makes more sense for the church being structured this way’?
So far the main issue I’m having with the Orthodox Church is the language barrier because I don’t know Slavonic, and plus as said didn’t Jesus mention his ministry would be universal, spread to the ‘bounds’ of the world etc? The other is that the parishes that you can take communion in are so few, because not all churches who call themselves orthodox are in communion with each other. The Eastern is separate from the Greek as well as Coptic, all from each other mostly and cannot take communion with the other sects.
Really need help.
I was told by one orthodox minister, can’t remember if he meant bishop but he told me that there were two bishops before Peter or something when asking about the verse related to Peter being given the keys after reading about it.
Their side also thinks or argues the pope declaring then having ‘supreme authority’ over other churches originally comes from mainly ‘The influence of the Franks/Charlesmangne on Rome’ and ‘due to that’? Is this true?
He said “It was never intended for the pope to have supreme power over all churches, we have a patriarch but for practical purposes, and he does not wield that kind of power etc” and how it ‘Makes more sense for the church being structured this way’?
So far the main issue I’m having with the Orthodox Church is the language barrier because I don’t know Slavonic, and plus as said didn’t Jesus mention his ministry would be universal, spread to the ‘bounds’ of the world etc? The other is that the parishes that you can take communion in are so few, because not all churches who call themselves orthodox are in communion with each other. The Eastern is separate from the Greek as well as Coptic, all from each other mostly and cannot take communion with the other sects.
Really need help.
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