Is the CCR ( Charismatic Catholic Renewal) Movement For Real or What?

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Look…I am an TLM Catholic, but I am open to all types of Catholics…I love my faith and I love all of those that participates in it…but I have questions about this CCR movement. When did it start? Is it grounded in scripture? How do you all know it is for real? Look I don’t have a problem with people speaking in tongues…but this is sounding all way too protestant for me…I know some “Full Gospel Ministry” Baptist that sound exactly like this…It just sounds exclusive to me…kind of like…“if you don’t speak in tongues, you are not accepted” and all…I don’t speak in tongues, but I am Orthodox Catholic…actually I am traditional Catholic and I don’t remember any other Indult TLM Catholics claiming they speak in tongues…once again, this IS NOT an attack on CCR Catholics who speak in tongues…this is an attempt to understand.

Below are a few words from the TLM site. They may not appear to be pertinate, but they are informative about “special agendas”.
An Interview with Michael Rose
Summer 2002

**TLM: **Give us a little background about your new book Goodbye, Good Men. That’s quite a title. What does it mean?

**Rose: **The thesis boils down to this: for more than thirty years now, qualified candidates for the priesthood have been turned away precisely for political reasons. Not because they were found unsuitable for seminary or for ordination, but because they were seen as a threat to the liberal status quo. What I’m talking about in my book is a systematic, ideological discrimination against orthodox candidates to the priesthood.

**TLM: **What exactly is meant by the “orthodox” candidate?

**Rose: As I employ the term throughout the book, “orthodox” connotes adherence to the Magisterium of the Church and full acceptance of authentic Church teaching. It refers to the man who embraces the authentic traditions, devotions, and piety of the Church. The orthodox man is he who does not support women’s ordination, who defends the Church’s teaching on human sexuality and artificial birth control, who exhibits piety toward devotions such as the Rosary and Eucharistic adoration, and who accepts the Church’s understanding of the priesthood and doesn’t have an agenda to redefine or “re-envision” it.
There have been a number of threads, with many links and much documentation. Do a search on Charismatic and then ask your questions after you have read what we have painstakingly posted many times.
Just for the fun of it, lets pretend the gift of tongues are not part of the Charismatic Renewal. They are the least of the gifts so just forget them altogether.

Dumspiro… please tell me what else you know about the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

You see! That is usually all a non Charismatic sees.
1 Maria:
This should give a better view of the CCR. I highly recommend it.



Thursday, 14 March 2002

Dear maria

So you dislike the CCR, you have stated this many times and prohibited the growth of many a thread on this subject due to your dislike of it. Now we all know you dislike it and we all know for what reasons, you reasons have been noted and now could we all learn more about CCR without this continual malignment of it.

You know it makes me wonder if someone would work so hard against something , maybe I may have something to learn from it.

I find the continual division within a faith a real paradox and nothing after the heart of Christ.

If a person does not like something simply state it and then be quiet so the rest of us may learn who wants to learn …it all smacks of grinding axes to me…

God bless you and much love and peace to you

Here are two more links that show the confidence the Pope has in the CCR.

He has asked them to promote both this Encyclical and the Eucharist.



He has also asked the CCR to promote this encyclical and the Holy Rosary.



Also you may be interested in this message from Cardinal Arinze to the CCR.

“Communion arises from the Eucharist and is manifested in it,” he said. This means, in the first place, “communion with Jesus himself,” because “to receive the holy Eucharist is to enter in profound communion with Jesus … who says to us: 'He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him.”

The Eucharist is also “source and manifestation of ecclesial communion” because “in the Eucharistic mystery, Jesus builds the Church as communion” and “fosters communion among all of us because we receive the same body and blood of Christ,” Cardinal Arinze continued.

“At the end of the Mass,” he added, “we are sent … to live what we have heard, meditated, sung, prayed.”

"The Eucharist sends us on mission," the cardinal told the Charismatic delegates. "It sends us also to promote justice, peace and harmony in society."

“All apostolate in every state of life – bishops, priests, consecrated persons, married couples, the single – arises from the Eucharist and receives strength from it,” he said.

Our Holy Father has also asked these things from all the movements in the Church and together they can be accomplished and will give great joy to the entire Church.

All we have to do is give our “fiat”, our “yes to God” as Mary did.
We are all called to bring Jesus, the Kingdom of God, to all of humanity.

Isn’t there a forum rule against the same post in multiple threads???
I’ll check with a moderator to see if it’s okay this time because it seems very necessary here for the benefit people who sincerely want to understand what the CCR is really all about.

1 Maria:
I’ll check with a moderator to see if it’s okay this time because it seems very necessary here for the benefit people who sincerely want to understand what the CCR is really all about.
While you are checking–ask about posting quotes from other websites without the permission of the author. You seem to think this is also OK
Look…I am an TLM Catholic, but I am open to all types of Catholics…I love my faith and I love all of those that participates in it…but I have questions about this CCR movement. When did it start? Is it grounded in scripture? How do you all know it is for real? Look I don’t have a problem with people speaking in tongues…but this is sounding all way too protestant for me…I know some “Full Gospel Ministry” Baptist that sound exactly like this…It just sounds exclusive to me…kind of like…“if you don’t speak in tongues, you are not accepted” and all…I don’t speak in tongues, but I am Orthodox Catholic…actually I am traditional Catholic and I don’t remember any other Indult TLM Catholics claiming they speak in tongues…once again, this IS NOT an attack on CCR Catholics who speak in tongues…this is an attempt to understand.
I am a practicing Charismatic Catholic.

Any group which refuses to admit you because you don’t receive the gift of tongues is not a genuinely Catholic group, and is functioning outside of the boundaries of our Faith. Be aware that the Scriptures state that tongues is the LEAST of the gifts. Tongues are used in my community priomarily as a prayer language, and only rarely for prophetic words. We sing in the spirit.

Be aware also that Protestants, because they do have part of the Truth, do sometimes get some things right. Tongues are not an evil thing that corrupts the Church and “protestantizes” it, as many Catholics seem to think. There is both a Scriptural and historical basis for tongues, though I say again, they are THE LEAST of the gifts. The fact that Protestants also use this gift of tongues does not invalidate the gift. They also use the gift of prayer: is prayer invalid therefore? Of course not. Many Protestants have a deep love for Jesus Christ and a sincere life of service, love, and sacrifice.

Now, what else do you know about the Charismatic movement, and what other questions do you have? 🙂
I find it really scary when self-proclaimed obviously well educated orthodox or traditional Catholics are so totally ignorant of the CCR.
The leaders of the movement have over the years met with the Pope on a number of occasions. If memory serves me a Charismatic style celibration of the Eucharist was put on in the Pope’s presence. CCR is very popular with many of the students and faculty at the University of Stuebenville which I keep hearing is one of the nations most orthodox Universities. I know that many leaders of the CCR on a national level have excellent rapport with the Holy Father. What gives? Are some people threatened by the fact that this is a very real form of legitimate spirituality.
Thanks for your insightful remarks…your reply is the type of info I was hoping to gain…like I said, I don’t have any problems with the CCR…my hope is to learn more about it…I just don’t know anyone personally who is a part of it.
I am a practicing Charismatic Catholic.

Any group which refuses to admit you because you don’t receive the gift of tongues is not a genuinely Catholic group, and is functioning outside of the boundaries of our Faith. Be aware that the Scriptures state that tongues is the LEAST of the gifts. Tongues are used in my community priomarily as a prayer language, and only rarely for prophetic words. We sing in the spirit.

Be aware also that Protestants, because they do have part of the Truth, do sometimes get some things right. Tongues are not an evil thing that corrupts the Church and “protestantizes” it, as many Catholics seem to think. There is both a Scriptural and historical basis for tongues, though I say again, they are THE LEAST of the gifts. The fact that Protestants also use this gift of tongues does not invalidate the gift. They also use the gift of prayer: is prayer invalid therefore? Of course not. Many Protestants have a deep love for Jesus Christ and a sincere life of service, love, and sacrifice.

Now, what else do you know about the Charismatic movement, and what other questions do you have? 🙂
One last question…Does CCR CAtholics have their own Churches? Do they have Charismatic Parishes, or do they just go to regular parishes…this is not a joke question…I know nothing about the CCR and I am hoping to learn.
With all of the threads on CCR at the moment, lets give the subject a little bit of a rest. Not a ban, just a break. The charity pertaining to these threads is lacking and that needs to get back on track. If you can’t post anything nice, please don’t post anything at all.

Thank you for your understanding.
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