There is an app that I can put on my smartphone called Natural Cycles. It’s approved by the FDA and it works by the patient taking their basal body temperature every morning.
Hmmm, if it’s only BBT then I’d take instruction in Symto-Thermal and use the app to chart and cross check. Using BBT only would be difficult/dicey/not recommended if you wanted to have intercourse in Phase I. Because BBT only shifts after ovulation.
The proprietary algorithm sounds intriguing but I’d still learn traditional Sympto Thermal and compare.
Using this data, it calculates when you are most likely to ovulate and thereby be fertile.
Meh, I wouldn’t put my eggs in that basket. Calculating when you are “most likely” to ovulate versus observing when you actually do plus observing the presence or absence of fertile mucus— the latter is much more accurate.
To me, this sounds like the same thing as Natural Family Planning that the Catholic Church endorses but I want to be certain so I thought I’d ask everyone on here.
Remember NFP is simply information. It’s morally neutral. The decision to engage or abstain from intercourse can be based on this information. No contraception = moral.
This system is actually a version of the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) as it’s recommends either abstaining or barrier contraception on “red days”. That doesn’t mean you can’t use it.
Oddly they list FAM as being less effective, when it is probably better since FAM uses BBT and mucus. Honestly it sounds like a lot of marketing to sell you their in-app purchase and their BBT thermometer (you can get a BBT at Walmart or any pharmacy).
You can use it or another app, or you can make a spreadsheet.
Would using this app be a moral way to practice Natural Family Planning according to Catholic teaching?
There is nothing in Catholic teaching that prohibits the use of technology to track your cycle.
There is no sin in gathering information.
Sin would enter to picture of a couple contracepted.