Is the New Evangelization really a return to traditionalism?

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The person in our Family Life Ministry pooh-poohed someone that she observed in Church ministry who was claiming to be a proponent of the New Evangelization as actually a return to “traditionalism”. Questions I have: 1) Is she correct?; 2) What exactly is meant by “traditionalism” and is this a bad thing?; and 3) Is there a difference between evangelization and the New Evangelization? Any explanation would be helpful to know how to respond.
I could see where she’s coming from. The New Evangelization seems to be a concerted effort by Rome to correct the abuses which came about after Vatican II.

Since Vatican II never intended to do away with a lot of ‘traditional’ attitudes this New effort does appear to be a ‘return’ to the ‘old ways’.

However, this is not the case. You’d have to ask this person what her definition of “traditionalism” is before you could know how to respond.

If she says it is pre-Vatican II (return to the Latin Mass as the primary rite, returning the tabernacle to the center of the altar, returning to receiving the eucharist by mouth only with no cup, etc.), then you can tell her the New Evangelization does not call for a reversal of Vatican II, it calls for a clarification of Vatican II.

You can learn more about Traditionalism from the Traditional Catholics forum here at CAF.
hadn’t we better define terms? if you are using this as JPII did in his writings on the subject, no it is not about a return to traditionalism, but it is about preserving and honoring tradition (not at all the same thing, traditionalism being a divisive circle-the-wagons mentality that can infect a parish, diocese or other group, tradition being the means in which Divine Revelation is preserved and handed on throughout the history of the Church).
IMO, New Evangelization is about getting back to the core teachings of the church, what we really believe, and reclaiming the Truth the church has always had, but hasn’t always taught. Getting rid of the fuzzy christianity, relativism, and wacky teachings from the 70s and 80s, and getting back down to brass tacks. Teaching and accepting the truths about the eucharist, sin, who Jesus really is, and what catholics really believe about salvation, and what sets us apart from protestants.

It’s not necessarily, and doesn’t necessarily have to mean, the return to the latin mass and things we did pre VII.
My perception is that Traditional parishes don’t evangelize.Oh yeah, if someone knocks down the door. That was my great dis-illusionsionment with that movement. They have the smoke and bells but seem to bring in few if any converts. The NOR, ever the mag to shake things up, ha an article a few issues back on how they arte in a way the new Gnostics. Very controversial to be sure. Praise the NOR for publishing it. Traditioanl parishes are mostly stagnant. The latest FSSP bulletin talks about one traditional parish and it is extolled for being stable - like in not shrinking but not growing. If folks think the Motus is the salvation for what ails the Church I think they have another thing coming.
However, this is not the case. You’d have to ask this person what her definition of “traditionalism” is before you could know how to respond.
Good point.
IMO, New Evangelization is about getting back to the core teachings of the church, what we really believe, and reclaiming the Truth the church has always had, but hasn’t always taught. Getting rid of the fuzzy christianity, relativism, and wacky teachings from the 70s and 80s, and getting back down to brass tacks. Teaching and accepting the truths about the eucharist, sin, who Jesus really is, and what catholics really believe about salvation, and what sets us apart from protestants.

It’s not necessarily, and doesn’t necessarily have to mean, the return to the latin mass and things we did pre VII.
This was my sense, that this person from the Family Life Ministry was put off by the fellow minister including the reality of sexual sin when teaching about the theology of the body in the context of marriage preparation.
My perception is that Traditional parishes don’t evangelize.g.
maybe you need more experience with “traditional” parishes. Our parish and our pastor are regarded in some circles as among the most traditional in the diocese, and we also have the greatest participation in Disciples in Mission, the diocesan evangelization program, and are one of the few or only sites for several other evangelization outreaches, through publications, radio, and are embarking on door-to-door evangelization before Christmas, in a carefully phased in program.
Tradition is good. If curious, start small. Learn a few basic prayers in Latin. Pater Noster, Ave Maria, Sancte Michael Arcangele, Angele Dei etc etc etc. Think of the ones we repeat most often and/or at Mass. Baby steps. But above all if we’re going to be tolerant with someone…let it be with our fellow catholics who are trying to jumpstart their own zeal for devotion. Most importantly remember that His sign over us is Peace.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum.
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