You will often hear of the principle of “subsidiarity”, as elucidated in various papal teachings. In a nutshell, the principle of subsidiarity says that all social matters and affairs should be handled at the lowest possible level, for instance, “Washington shouldn’t fix potholes”.
Is this Catholic doctrine and are we obliged to accept it? People legitimately differ as to how social problems should be handled. For instance, some say that education should be handled at a local level, taking into account the needs and desires of the individual community. Others say there should be national standards that are the same for people everywhere, and that a central bureaucracy is needed to ensure compliance. And so on.
Any thoughts?
Is this Catholic doctrine and are we obliged to accept it? People legitimately differ as to how social problems should be handled. For instance, some say that education should be handled at a local level, taking into account the needs and desires of the individual community. Others say there should be national standards that are the same for people everywhere, and that a central bureaucracy is needed to ensure compliance. And so on.
Any thoughts?