Is the scrupulosity on this site fake?

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The most common thread is, “is x a sin?” and the answer is always no to maybe but probably not.

Is a lot of that fake scrupulosity aimed at advertising yourself? A lot of, “I’m so holy I have time to wonder if saying ‘Golly’ is a sinful euphemism that takes His Name in vain,” or “Is it a sin to kill someone in self defense to save yourself? I am so pure and sensitive to sin and evil that I am uncomfortable even with this.”

I feel like that is a lot of it.

Because, if you write something like that, you are fishing for “It’s okay.”
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I think on certain “topics” yes, they want people to tell them their sin is no big deal or it’s not really a sin.

I do think some people are actually more confused than scrupulous, depending on their age, and whether they are Catholic already, or planning to be when they graduate high school and are no longer living at home with their parents.
I actually hope that the next time someone posts one of these, no one comments until he answers whether HE thinks it’s a sin.

If he gives us some genuine sounding attempt at reasoning then we will know which kind
Yes, it sometimes helps to ask questions of them (age, background) before answering.
Sometimes I have wondered if it is fake in the sense that a Non-Catholic is trying poking fun at us.
I think it’s a mixed bag:

Some is fake and I think the posters get a kick out of baiting the Catholics, then sitting back and watching.

Some of it unfortunately is real and a message board with a collection of random strangers is probably the last place someone with scrupulosity should go for help. A lot of the posters take the advice to find a spiritual director and seek counseling to heart. Others just keep posting and they don’t seem to be doing much of anything to help themselves. They just want an answer to their latest question. I don’t think continuously answering them does them any favors. It gives an excuse for them to avoid getting the help they need.
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There seems to be some that are and others not. The ones that don’t respond are more than likely wind ups especially when there is disagreements between posters.
The most common thread is, “is x a sin?” and the answer is always no to maybe but probably not.
There are people on this forum who genuinely suffer from scruples.

There are people on this forum who did not grow up with any sort of religious training, who have some genuine confusion about “is X a sin?” because their consciences weren’t properly formed.

There are also a lot of people on this forum who are teens or very young adults who are likewise confused about things that may seem really obvious to someone who is 25 and up.

There are people who commit sins and are trying to find some loophole or way of continuing the behavior in a manner that’s somehow not sinful (good luck with that - but we’ve all been there sometime where we tried to justify a bad behavior because we didn’t want to give it up). They are the ones fishing for the “it’s okay” responses.

Now, there may also be a small group of people who are trying to show how “holy” they are, but I think once you separate out the previous four groups I mentioned, the holy-holies making the sin posts are a pretty small, rare group.

I personally am not a fan of “is X a sin?” type posts because I feel that people should be able to use their consciences for the most part, and if they are genuinely confused about whether something is a sin, they should ask their confessor. Also, in the cases where X is 95 to 99 percent of the time a serious sin, and one says so, there is at least one other poster who tends to respond (in very snarky ways) citing the 5 percent to 1 percent of cases where the clearly bad behavior might somehow not be a serious sin, confusing the issue even more. I try to be patient with the “is X a sin?” posts, but I think every last one of them should go in a bin marked “Ask Your Confessor, Don’t Ask Here”.
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