Please let me know if you know of any Natural Family Planning method for an irregular cycle. My wife’s cycle is anything but regular and at the end of everything we read regarding NFP, there is usually a statement saying you must have regular cycles. We need help!
Thank you!
Well, Ray, you have received some good advice. All modern NFP methods can handle cycle irregularity. I would venture to say more cycles are “irregular” than they are “regular”, for we have seen a rise in cycles that have all types of “irregularities”.
My wife and I teach the Sympto-Thermal method for the Couple to Couple League. It has a combination of fertility signs that it trains couples to use to track thier fertility awareness. The Creighton model referred to above also has a combination of fertility signs that they track, though thier approach is more clinical. They have been the lead group in the NFP movement for working to reform the Ob-Gyn industry.
Let me add that the vast majority of cycle irregularity can be corrected or reigned in to more understandable parameters with diet changes and some basic hormonal studies. I would suggest learning an NFP method together and start taking the first steps to deepening your understanding of your wife’s fertility cycle. She needs your support and encouragement to buck the culture and take control of her fertility care.
I, of course, am biased toward the Sympto-Thermal method, though we have worked quite closely with Creighton teachers here in our area. Contact CCL via their website ( and see if there are any teaching couples near your, or better yet, go to for a complete cross-referenced list of NFP teachers and NFP supportive Ob-Gyn’s.