Can anyone give an opinion, or argument, in favor, or against the existence of a ‘Multiverse’? It is something like every possibility (of which there are an infinite number), being realized- like every potential becoming act? If God is ‘actus purus’ does it follow that the Universe of His creation must also be ‘fully actuated’? Does an infinite Creator, imply an infinity universe?
What are the arguments in its favor (or against)? Is every possibility taking place, simultaneously? In one moment, I might chose to do X, but in other universes, I am doing A, B, C, D, etc. Every second involves infinite possibility, every choice has a thousand possibilities in potential, carried out in new universes, an infinite number born for every single option. Then nothing can matters- in the constantly fluctuating nothingness of endless space and time, every possibility realised simultaneously, an empty cosmos of abstract mathematical structures, beyond the mind of man…Everything that could be, is…Omnis in potentia, fit in actu. Omnes sint, sunt.
Is it real? Is there a Multiverse?
Is this kind of ‘science’ real, or is it just ‘science fiction’?
What are the arguments in its favor (or against)? Is every possibility taking place, simultaneously? In one moment, I might chose to do X, but in other universes, I am doing A, B, C, D, etc. Every second involves infinite possibility, every choice has a thousand possibilities in potential, carried out in new universes, an infinite number born for every single option. Then nothing can matters- in the constantly fluctuating nothingness of endless space and time, every possibility realised simultaneously, an empty cosmos of abstract mathematical structures, beyond the mind of man…Everything that could be, is…Omnis in potentia, fit in actu. Omnes sint, sunt.
Is it real? Is there a Multiverse?
Is this kind of ‘science’ real, or is it just ‘science fiction’?