No, no problem. Individual Jesuits, perhaps; same with individual Dominicans, Benedictines, Norbertines, Augustinians, diocesean priests. . .just as there are problems with any individual --man, woman, child, rich, poor, etc.
But there are the stereotypes that probably play a part.
For instance, there’s the old joke about the bishop of a large Northeastern diocese who called in the priests of the local parishes. Among them was a Jesuit, and a Franciscan.
The bishop announced, "In order to raise money for construction of a new cathedral for the diocese, I’m calling for a diocese-wide Novena, and so I’m asking each of you to call on your parishioners during the novena to take a $10 chance on winning this great prize that has been graciously donated to us, a $75,000 Lexus. "
The Franciscan looked puzzled, raised his hand, and said, “What’s a Lexus”?
The Jesuit at the same time looked puzzled, raised his hand, and said, “What’s a Novena?”