I just learned about this philosophy and it is somewhat mind-blowing because it does have a point…but seems absurd at the same time.
"According to dialetheists, there are some truths that can only be expressed in contradiction. Some examples include:
The only certain knowledge we have outside of our immediate experience is that there is no certain knowledge outside of our immediate experience.
“All statements are true” is a false statement.
“There are no absolutes” is an absolute.
According to dialetheists, these statements are not derived from logic (which they say is false), but are instead descriptions of experience."
My question was, how could one debunk this philosophy?
"According to dialetheists, there are some truths that can only be expressed in contradiction. Some examples include:
The only certain knowledge we have outside of our immediate experience is that there is no certain knowledge outside of our immediate experience.
“All statements are true” is a false statement.
“There are no absolutes” is an absolute.
According to dialetheists, these statements are not derived from logic (which they say is false), but are instead descriptions of experience."
My question was, how could one debunk this philosophy?