Is there actual evidence that Michelangelo was gay?

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The LGBT culture talks about Michelangelo being gay a if it’s truly factual (i.e. the science is settled). It’s as though they want to declare Michelangelo one of “their” saints. How do we respond to this? Is there actual hard evidence that he was gay or is this just revisionist history?
In short: No.

He has written some emotional, sometimes called homo-erotic poems to a dear friend ( Tommaso dei Cavalieri) , and due to this fact and his David, who sadly became an idol of the gay movement, he is sometimes seen as gay, BUT:
-writing poems like this was very common as a form of antiquity fever in the renaissance. Expressing love for a male friend like this is not always a sign for real sexual contacts, but for a sensitive mind, a quality highly in favor for the noble elite.
-there are stories about his chaste life. There is no more security in this, too, but we do have an opposite meaning about him.
He is described as a devout catholic, too.
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It’s all calumny. The g@y movement is rewriting history to suit their sordid ways. I would point them to Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible for a hero. Oops, they all went up in smoke.
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