Is there actually anything wrong with being a "doormat?"

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It just seems to be a more humble and meeker way of reacting. I am not one by the way.
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Just hypothetically.
I guess this term can have different connotations between persons.
Yes, different people and different situations and where you are in life.

It’s not humble or meek if someone is using you, or is unkind, or plain rude, to just take it without saying anything to them about their behavior.
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It just seems to be a more humble and meeker way of reacting.
Hi Sammy,


I’ve personally learned over the years that I think that sometimes it’s better not to respond when someone is getting argumentative or negative–that it’s better to walk away from something like that.

Otherwise, a situation can just keep escalating or getting worse.

I don’t think that it’s a good idea to be a “doormat” however, in the sense of letting someone try to take advantage of us in situations.

We can assert ourselves and our opinions and feelings in situations. 🙂
You are a Child if the Most High God! You will never be a doormat. You have gifts to use in the family of God and the world.
Humility is a gift from God. One is in service to others. We look at others and see Christ in the biggest sinner. Our love of God is to shine in us, so that others may see Him.

True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”

1 As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace
In Christ’s Love
So, I think there is a difference between being a “doormat” and being humble or meek. Being a doormat is problematic. Here are a couple of ways:
  1. It encourages bad behavior in others. When they see you are a “doormat”, you are feeding the beast, so to speak. We are supposed to help others be their best (at lesat I believe that). Allowing one person to treat another person as a doormat, by accepting that type of behavior, doesn’t do this.
  2. We are each completely unique. There is nobody else just like you. That means you have preferences, ideas, free-choice, ideals, etc. When you allow someone to treat you like a doormat, you are allowing them to cast a shadow on who you are. That is never OK.
Humility and meekness is different. Taking a backseat to someone else because you feel it is best for their well-being can be a great thing, assuming you have good judgement of the situation. Wisdom comes into play here. If you aren’t sure what to do, you should consult with someone who you believe has the wisdom necessary to make a decision on how to proceed.
It just seems to be a more humble and meeker way of reacting.
Doormat is a word not found in the Bible. I would rather you just use ‘meek and humble’.

It probably is clearer to begin with.

God bless you.
Being a doormat is allowing others to treat you without dignity.
Yes there is, because doormat isn’t humility.
Doormat is cowardice.
It’s ok to acquiesce if you desire to sometimes, but in certain situations it’s best to assert yourself with humility.

Ie: to never to tear others down in the process of asserting yourself and to do so with a response that fosters mutual respect as others have posted.
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Being a “doormat” is not at all the same as being meek and humble.

Look at Jesus. He explicitly stated that he was meek and humble of heart and that we should imitate him. Was he a doormat? Not at all.

When there were money changers in the Temple turning his Father’s house into a house of trade, did he just sit quietly by mumbling, “Well, I guess that’s okay…” No, he made a whip of cords and drove them out.

When the Pharisees continuously sought to undermine him and put heavy burdens on others while failing to lift a finger, did he just stand by and say nothing? No, he called them out as a “brood of vipers.”

But there were times when saying nothing was called for. When he was accused of blasphemy, whipped, beaten, crowned with thorns, and crucified, did he resist? No.

Imitating the meekness of Christ is not always easy. It requires a lot of virtue and strength. Being a doormat is just the path of least resistance. It doesn’t require strength. Meekness is active. Being a doormat is passive.
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It just seems to be a more humble and meeker way of reacting.
Being humble is not glorying in praise, deserved or undeserved. Being a doormat is tolerating abuse, and yes, there IS something wrong in that. You are a creation of God, deserving of respect.
Satan is a creation of God.
And when God created him, he was good. He caused himself to be damned, not God. A human being who is still alive has not been eternally damned by God. We don’t know if any humans will be.
Remember, all successful people in life knew which battles were not worth fighting. That doesn’t make one a doormat, it makes one intelligently selective.
A doormat is something used to wipe your dirty shoes/boots om before entering your house. I would say soiling God’s image and likeness is indeed wrong.
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