Is there an alternative organization to Black Lives Matter?

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Are there any organizations out there that are similar to Black Lives Matter, but don’t go against any Church teaching?

I used to support BLM until I realized in their mission statement, they plan to get rid of the nuclear family as the standard and also advocate gay marriage.

I’m looking to support an organization that fights for the equality of black people, without having to support all of the other junk that goes with the BLM agenda.
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The motto and movement using the motto isn’t the same as that organization, even if that organization is also joining the protests.

Anyway, sorry to be preachy. I don’t know of an alternative organization, but given I haven’t really looked into it don’t take that as evidence there isn’t one.
Sure. You could try the Catholic Church. That might be an organization that thinks lives matter.
I used to support BLM until I realized in their mission statement, they plan to get rid of the nuclear family as the standard and also advocate gay marriage.
I read their platform, and the verbiage about the nuclear family doesn’t seem (to me anyway) to advocate doing away with it, but rather, to recognize that other kinds of families exist, and that in a broad sense, one’s close support network, and indeed the community itself, also shares responsibility for the raising of children:

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable. (emphasis mine)

I really fail to see a problem with this. Again, not everyone has a nuclear family.

And they don’t explicitly endorse gay marriage. Their comments regarding other-than-heterosexual people are quite nuanced.
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At this point you are probably best off just donating to the NAACP.

It was involved in the George Floyd march in my local area, and it also was one of the three organizations my company (which is large, vets their donations, and wouldn’t support something like BLM because too much of a hot potato and don’t know where the money is going) sponsored matching donations to in the wake of the George Floyd death. The other two organizations it picked besides NAACP were a local school, and another nonprofit in Minnesota that I won’t name or recommend because it does a lot with LGBTQ+ and therefore many Catholics here would not want to support it on those grounds.
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Are there any organizations out there that are similar to Black Lives Matter, but don’t go against any Church teaching?
I haven’t read the replies, but you can be a practicing Catholic and support BLM the movement. Just don’t write any checks to the organization that co-opted the BLM name.

You can also help out with the anti-racism cause by lending support to the National Black Catholic Congress, Black Catholics for Life (a.k.a. National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life), or any Catholic ministry serving African-Americans.
they plan to get rid of the nuclear family as the standard
The exact wording:
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.
The nuclear family in our culture is a unit of isolation that could frankly use some disruption by allowing a stronger network of relatives and community members to help out.

Also remember that the nuclear family is a cultural construct, not a sacrosanct religious mandate. Families throughout Africa and Latin America, for example, house numerous generations under one roof. Other children are raised by single parents.

But as things stand, BLM is not trying to “get rid of” your, my, or any other nuclear family.
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But as things stand, BLM is not trying to “get rid of” your, my, or any other nuclear family.
Yeah, they are. They’re best avoided.

Donate to your local Catholic Family Services instead. They serve everyone, and they’re not racist against whites like BLM are.
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