After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, I now stockpile water since I have such a large family. I also bought lanterns and lots of batteries that I still have since these hurricanes affected my area. I would like food stocks, but that is more of a space and management issue, which I simply cannot tackle right now. I guess everyone’s fear is the bird flu. Remember how much everyone stocked up for Y-2-K? I never stocked up on a thing, because I thought that the notion of society shutting down due to a computer glitch was laughable. But when the airplanes hit the World Trade Center, my immediate reaction was “On the other hand, this is something that could shut down the economy of our country.” I ran out to Walmart and stocked up on everything from diapers to canned goods and more, because I simply didn’t know what would happen in the aftermath of those attacks.
You know, in the new testament Jesus commends the resourceful handmaids that are prepared for the wedding feast and who bought enough oil for their lamps in advance. Those women did not share their oil with their foolish companions.