Since I cannot think like either of them, I can only relate from within my frame of reference. If they are moved by our prayers and our sufferings to intercede for so very many of us when we ask it of them so very constantly, then hearts that are moved by suffering must benefit from consolation, right?
Similarly, if their hearts can be moved by our prayers and plights, then would they not also be moved to hear us praying to the Father for their sake?
I’m sure my simple view leaves out all kinds of complex elements, but I also know my guardian angel deserves much gratitude and even more consolation!
Similarly, if their hearts can be moved by our prayers and plights, then would they not also be moved to hear us praying to the Father for their sake?
I’m sure my simple view leaves out all kinds of complex elements, but I also know my guardian angel deserves much gratitude and even more consolation!