Is there life out there?

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How does the church feel about extraterrestrial life? Are we all that there is? I may not be framing the question correctly, but does the church believe that there are other advanced life forms in the universe?

Let’s, keep life on Earth, here first ! “Live and Let Live” .There are so many abortions through out the world, do we really need to seek life elsewhere?,anyways,if they are Jesus would have made known to us.
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Not sure the Church has official position

Statistically given there are hundreds of billions of galaxies and hence likely millions that is ripe for life as we know it is , it’s very likely there that there would been thousands (at minimum) civilizations that have advanced far beyond ours to point of them easily being able to make contact with us. So why have we had no such contact? One chilling theory from Jordan Peterson is that ALL of such civilizations destroyed themselves once they reached the level of advancement about where we are at, a theory we can validate based on our already close calls
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The church has no stance on the topic. We are left to believe what we choose. Considering the vastness of space, we will likely not know until/if we are fortunate enough to enter the Gates of Heaven.
I personally believe there is no other intelligent life out there. The arguments from probability due to the huge size of the universe are not convincing.
There have been a couple of Christian novelists who have speculated on how it would happen with science fiction novels. C.S. Lewis wrote his space trilogy, and the first two books describe life on Mars and Venus respectively. Very interesting take: with Mars the people never fell to sin. With Venus, he actually describes the temptation of their “Adam” and “Eve”.

A few years back I read the book “Voyage to Alpha Centuri” by Catholic author Michael O’Brien. That was a really interesting take on the subject. In the near future (I believe it was around the year 2100), we developed the means of travelling in a space ship at 1/2 light speed, and sent a large space ship to Alpha Centauri. The trip took 10 years, IIRC. The found archeological evidence of a civilization on a planet in that system. It turned out that they were from earth. Before the flood, the earth had been taken over by the devil. The devil, when realizing God was going to destroy the earth with the flood, gave people instructions on constructing a space ship and saved a remnant of his people by sending them to Alpha Centauri. They started a civilization that was dominated by worship of the devil, human sacrifice, etc. They were wiped out by plague 2100 years before arrival (ie at the time of Christ). Believe it or not, I have not spoiled that much of the book. A little, but I left enough out to where it is still certainly worth reading.
Fine tuning makes it very unlikely there is other life out there.
It’s not a matter of faith or morals. Believe as you see fit.

I for one am mystified by the apparent mass longing for the discovery of ET life. What help would it be for anybody?

It may be there or not; it’s not worth longing for.

Or simply that they see no point in wasting power to send signals we would hear over the solar noise.

I mean, why would they?

Not everybody need long for alien (to them) life.

I think the Church has to be curious about it given the Vatican observatory.
How does the church feel about extraterrestrial life?
:vatican_city: No Official Position :vatican_city:
Are we all that there is?
Excluding God and the Angels? Yes, I believe we’re alone. Personally, I believe that the Universe is sterile and devoid of life outside of Earth. Finally, even if another advanced race existed, it’s unlikely that we’d find each other.
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Finally, even if another advanced race existed, it’s unlikely that we’d find each other.
I agree. They would have to be able to travel faster than the speed of light which seems too big of a challenge.
Yup, Warp Drive, Wormholes, and Superluminal Communication are the only ways to make interstellar space travel practical. Unfortunately, the Universe is too big and light is too slow. Not to mention the tremendous amount of energy necessary to achieve any of these feats!
This comment illustrates the obsession our society has with the question, observatories existed for centuries with no concern for the question. Even today, the majority of astronomical does not concern the question. Yet, we assume the existence of an observatory indicates interest in the matter…
So why have we had no such contact? One chilling theory from Jordan Peterson is that ALL of such civilizations destroyed themselves once they reached the level of advancement about where we are at,
Or maybe they are all just avoiding us.
Given the immense cubic-mileage of space, “visiting” is far less likely even than signalling.

And all the stories of visitation and abduction sound like drug trips more than anything else.

visiting” is far less likely even than signalling.
That’s what I implied when said “contact” doesn’t mean visiting

Your argument is there is “no point sending signals we would hear” which is inherently false - if we hear them that itself would be the point. If we can’t hear yes no point
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