Is there privacy in Heaven?

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I’m not what one would call an outgoing, social person. I like to keep to myself, and, when I have to be in public, I tend to speak very little. This isn’t out of shyness or anything like that; I simply like to be as unintrusive as possible into other people’s lives and wish they would do the same for me. I also try to be as efficient in speaking as possible and “get to the point”; I try to avoid the use of unnecessary (redundant) words. Examples: “Have a good day now.” As opposed to later? “I thank you.” As opposed to someone else doing it? “Thank you very much.” As opposed to just a little? “Thank you kindly.” As opposed to angrily? Etc.

So I was wondering, as much as I like to keep to myself and do my own thing, would I be able to do so if/when I get to Heaven? For example, would I be able to just go to my house or apartment or whatever I get, put up a “Do Not Disturb” sign, and binge-watch Sailor Moon?
I’m not what one would call an outgoing, social person. I like to keep to myself, and, when I have to be in public, I tend to speak very little. This isn’t out of shyness or anything like that; I simply like to be as unintrusive as possible into other people’s lives and wish they would do the same for me. I also try to be as efficient in speaking as possible and “get to the point”; I try to avoid the use of unnecessary (redundant) words. Examples: “Have a good day now.” As opposed to later? “I thank you.” As opposed to someone else doing it? “Thank you very much.” As opposed to just a little? “Thank you kindly.” As opposed to angrily? Etc.

So I was wondering, as much as I like to keep to myself and do my own thing, would I be able to do so if/when I get to Heaven? For example, would I be able to just go to my house or apartment or whatever I get, put up a “Do Not Disturb” sign, and binge-watch Sailor Moon?

Interesting question. I suppose since Christ said he went to prepare a place for us, it makes sense that the place would have some quiet and privacy for the quiet people.
Everybody knows that social activities are mandatory in heaven.
I wonder if there is a library in Heaven. If there is, I’m sure it’s incredible.
I’m not what one would call an outgoing, social person. I like to keep to myself, and, when I have to be in public, I tend to speak very little. This isn’t out of shyness or anything like that; I simply like to be as unintrusive as possible into other people’s lives and wish they would do the same for me. I also try to be as efficient in speaking as possible and “get to the point”; I try to avoid the use of unnecessary (redundant) words. Examples: “Have a good day now.” As opposed to later? “I thank you.” As opposed to someone else doing it? “Thank you very much.” As opposed to just a little? “Thank you kindly.” As opposed to angrily? Etc.

So I was wondering, as much as I like to keep to myself and do my own thing, would I be able to do so if/when I get to Heaven? For example, would I be able to just go to my house or apartment or whatever I get, put up a “Do Not Disturb” sign, and binge-watch Sailor Moon?
Shyness and preferences are part of the earthly human condition. In heaven there will be no such thing as privacy because we will be in the Beatific Vision. We will all be in God. As such, there will be such a profound communion with God and each other that our human foibles will be absolutely moot.

Trying to explain Heaven in human terms such as privacy, sadness, missing (people), shyness etc. is just an exercise in futility. Nothing can overshadow perfect supernatural joy. At the end of time, when our bodies rejoin our souls, if we’re naked, we will have no shame, for we will have full joy in God. If we’re clothed in white robes, it won’t be to cover our nakedness because we have no shame, as we have full joy in God.
I don’t know if there will be privacy in heaven. I do know that we will be perfectly happy there. There will be nothing to make us uncomfortable, pain and sadness will not exist. , How could it be otherwise in God’s presence? Don’t worry about it. Believe me, binge-watching anything will be the furthest thing from your mind.
Shyness and preferences are part of the earthly human condition. In heaven there will be no such thing as privacy because we will be in the Beatific Vision. We will all be in God. As such, there will be such a profound communion with God and each other that our human foibles will be absolutely moot.

Trying to explain Heaven in human terms such as privacy, sadness, missing (people), shyness etc. is just an exercise in futility. Nothing can overshadow perfect supernatural joy. At the end of time, when our bodies rejoin our souls, if we’re naked, we will have no shame, for we will have full joy in God. If we’re clothed in white robes, it won’t be to cover our nakedness because we have no shame, as we have full joy in God.
While I agree with the above explanation, it leaves some unanswered questions: If Heaven consists primarily/solely in the Beatific Vision (BV), then what use of the resurrected body? Heaven is also supposed to be a physical place. Again, if all we will be doing there is beholding the BV, then what’s the relevance of the physical place?
When my kids ask if Heaven will have something they particularly like, or if they will be able to do their favorite activities, I reassure them simply (with no specifics) that “In Heaven you can do whatever you want.” I figure that’s got to be true because when we reach that place we will be perfected, cleansed of all that was not right, and our desires will conform perfectly to our heavenly reward.

In other words, we’ll probably have forgotten all about chocolate ice cream, cool video games, privacy, Sailor Moon, books, or fresh tomato and garlic pizza (sorry, :o I had to throw that in), because we will have found something infinitely more to our liking.

“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him”
1 Corinthians 2:9
In other words, we’ll probably have forgotten all about chocolate ice cream, cool video games, privacy, Sailor Moon, books, or fresh tomato and garlic pizza (sorry, :o I had to throw that in), because we will have found something infinitely more to our liking.

“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him”
1 Corinthians 2:9
While again I agree with the sentiment expressed above, I’d again like to ask whether our resurrected and glorified bodies will be superfluous? If yes, why did they insert the belief in the bodily resurrection into the Creed? No, I think our intellect and senses will function at the level of perfection. It means all those things mentioned above will be experienced at the zenith of their respective perfection.

What about the Beatific Vision itself? Will all experience it at the same level of intensity, or will there be degrees according to one’s merit?
While again I agree with the sentiment expressed above, I’d again like to ask whether our resurrected and glorified bodies will be superfluous? If yes, why did they insert the belief in the bodily resurrection into the Creed? No, I think our intellect and senses will function at the level of perfection. It means all those things mentioned above will be experienced at the zenith of their respective perfection.

What about the Beatific Vision itself? Will all experience it at the same level of intensity, or will there be degrees according to one’s merit?
Not superfluous in any way.

You need your body to make you somebody!

Me, I hope to hide in our LORD’s arms; and for that, I will definitely need a solid, holdable body!

I always think that Revelation 2:17 is interesting: ‘‘To the victor I shall give a white stone upon which is inscribed a new name, which no one knows except the one who receives it.’’

To me, that sounds like a high degree of privacy, so I’m wondering if it will apply to other things as well.
I always think that Revelation 2:17 is interesting: ‘‘To the victor I shall give a white stone upon which is inscribed a new name, which no one knows except the one who receives it.’’

To me, that sounds like a high degree of privacy, so I’m wondering if it will apply to other things as well.
Privacy within our minds, at least.

If the OP is talking about privacy from God, the answer is no. We haven’t got any privacy from Him right now. He’s watching all our actions, listening to all our words, and watching all our thoughts. And that won’t change in heaven.

I think it must be boring for God sometimes, who in His omnipresence, has to observe the inane activities of 7 plus billion people at the same time - hitting the snooze button on the alarm, getting breakfast, cleaning their teeth, going to work, watching the rubber stamp action in the office, driving home again, cooking tea, walking the dog, dozing off in front of the TV, debating another pointless argument on Catholic Answers Forums, playing a computer game, cleaning their teeth for the second time, and going to bed.

Then watching it all over again the next day, give or take a variation or two - they got a bus instead of driving.

I could think of better things to do than watch my pretty ordinary life to the very last detail.

But as far as privacy from other heavenly beings is concerned, I don’t know. I suppose there will be in some sense, but what form it will take I have no idea. If the Mormons or JW’s get there somehow (I don’t think they do), I suppose you’ll still be within your rights to hide behind the door of your heavenly mansion and pretend you’re not home.
There is no privacy now.

God is everywhere. He sees everything.
Here we can at least pretend we are alone, and give ourselves a false feeling of privacy.
In the hereafter, we will no longer be able to pretend.
What the heck is Sailor Moon? 🤷

In heaven, we will be a new creation and have the Beatific Vision of the Glory of God.

I love the series Miami Vice and the songs of Frank Sinatra but I believe God has much better things for us to experience for all eternity. All our shortcomings will be replaced with positive traits to serve God. We will probably have our unique personalities, without the bad quirks. 👍
While I agree with the above explanation, it leaves some unanswered questions: If Heaven consists primarily/solely in the Beatific Vision (BV), then what use of the resurrected body? Heaven is also supposed to be a physical place. Again, if all we will be doing there is beholding the BV, then what’s the relevance of the physical place?
Our bodies are as much “us” as are our souls. When we reunite with our bodies, we will be in the Beatific Vision both body and soul as it should be. And the Beatific Vision is not merely “beholding”, as it is the fullest possible communion with God.
Our bodies are as much “us” as are our souls. When we reunite with our bodies, we will be in the Beatific Vision both body and soul as it should be. And the Beatific Vision is not merely “beholding”, as it is the fullest possible communion with God.
Which body?

Of a persons life, which body will they possess, young, middle aged, old? What if someone was miscarried as a zygote or a one month old fetus?
Which body?

Of a persons life, which body will they possess, young, middle aged, old? What if someone was miscarried as a zygote or a one month old fetus?
I read a book ( sorry, forgot the name ) about a 4 yr. old boy who died for about 3min. on the operating table & was revived. Over the course of several months, he told his parents that he saw heaven. He recognized his sister who died at birth, but was never given a name, and also his grandfather who died before he was born. The parents showed him a picture of the grandfather which he identified as seeing in heaven.
I read a book ( sorry, forgot the name ) about a 4 yr. old boy who died for about 3min. on the operating table & was revived. Over the course of several months, he told his parents that he saw heaven. He recognized his sister who died at birth, but was never given a name, and also his grandfather who died before he was born. The parents showed him a picture of the grandfather which he identified as seeing in heaven.
If you’re old you stay old.

If you’re young, you stay young.

If you’re a fetus, you then become a fully grown person.

Wonder why the fetus wouldn’t stay a fetus?
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