I have been following the movement of saving children from sex trafficking and abuse. And I read something very disturbing about a little 2 year a old boy. I am a mother of 3 boys (and a girl) and the having the mental picture of this is my mind after reading what I read. ( I don’t want to burden you with the details or the graphic nature of this) Got me very upset I was sobbing while my husband held me. I asked him this possibly blasphemous question. *
I know that Jesus suffered for us and died for us but after reading that very short but graphic quote about a 2 year old I thought in my mind what can be worse than what that 2 year old baby had to endure?
- I felt horrible expressing that. I know that Jesus loves us all we are his children so all of the suffering in the world I’m sure it’s possible that he feels so it’s a good chance that that might be my answer. But can anyone explain further how I might differentiate, I don’t believe I am having a crisis of faith but I just thought the baby must’ve suffered so much at the hands of evil men. Any comments at all are very appreciated. I prayed a rosary after to calm myself and to pray for all abused children and babies and I ask if you could do that as well or say a prayer. Thank you.strong text
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