Duskyjewel - You have made a common logic error, known as the inverse error.
Just because A implies B does not mean that not A implies not B. For example, “if it is raining, the road is wet” is true, but “if it isn’t raining, the road is not wet” is not necessarily true (someone could have poured a bucket of water on the road).
Similarly - “if it’s not manual labor, its okay to do on a Sunday” - that’s basically what I said, and it is true. This doesn’t mean that I am saying “if it’s manual labor, it’s not okay to do on a Sunday” - I wasn’t saying that because it’s not necessarily true.
There are cases where it’s okay to do manual work on a Sunday - for example, if not working on Sunday would cause you to lose your job (which in your case, it would), and if the job is necessary either to you or in itself (for example, if you were a doctor, that’s a job that’s necessary in itself even on Sundays, because some people are sick on Sundays. Or, if it was just any old job, but you needed the job to support your family, then it’s okay to do on Sundays). This is not the full explanation, but it’s as I understand it.
I ain’t so narrow after all?