Is this person in mortal sin?

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Imagine someone in a state of sanctifying grace commit a mortal sin but they thought it was venial therefore even though it is grave it isn’t mortal. If two days later somebody informed them that the sin was mortal does their sin they committed previous to this knowledge suddenly become mortal or only future sins of this nature?
If they did not have full knowledge at the time they committed the sin, then it would not be mortal. Once they are informed, if they do it again after that, it would be. Of course, confession of all our sins, even the venial ones would give strength to not commit the sin again.
No, they have to be aware of it being mortal before committing it … God isn’t retroactive he doesn’t say ok you didn’t know it was a mortal sin then , by UH HA ! You do now so you’re busted !..
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