replace “abortion” with just about anything else and it becomes obvious.
*I would never tell a woman she cannot rob a bank, that is a decision she has to make herself.
I would never tell a woman she cannot kill her 3 year old, that is a decision she has to make for herself.*
It’s absurd to think that telling a woman this is anything other than stating that abortion is a legitimate option, a moral thing to do.
Instead say, “Being a mom is scary, I’m here to help you, Mom. Don’t have an abortion. There are people who care about you and your baby. I care about you and your baby.”
And then be ready with resources such as a crisis pregnancy center. Many women report that when they reached out to people they WANTED someone to tell them not to do it, but when all their friends told them “it’s up to you…” they interpreted it as people not caring enough about them to step in and say “don’t do it”.