Is This Really From St. Therese?

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I’ve gotten two e-mails today which included this prayer that was supposedly by The Little Flower. I haven’t been able to verify this and it doesn’t really sound like her to me, but maybe there are some Little Way experts who know for sure. Thanks.
May today there be peace
within. May you trust
God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget
the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May
you use those
gifts that you have received, and pass on the love
that has been given to
you…May you be content knowing you are a child of
God… Let this
presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul
the freedom to sing,
dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every
one of you.
I’m no expert but this sounds more like new age stuff to me than anything written by the Little Flower. Therese would never have used such generic phrases. She was always quite specific. Besides, she would have mentioned the names of God or Jesus if she had written anything like this. Either someone culled her words to create this poem or it is a phony, IMHO.
Nope. That doesn’t sound like Therese of Liseux at all. If someone claims it is her writing, I would like a reference–the quote and book that it came from.
Here is a debunking page which contains the prayer:

Certainly doesn’t sound like the Little Flower.
I have to wonder why anyone would add a “prayer” to a Catholic saint in a chain letter about a Baptist institution. Just too weird! :whacky:
Thanks for all the replies! I knew it didn’t sound right.
if this was sent to you as part of chain letter, including a threat of harm if you break the chain, it is illegal, It is illegal to use the US mail for such a chain letter, so I assume it is also illegal to use the internet to convey such threats. It is certainly wrong of you to pass it along if it contains any type of threat, and you are quite right to inquire into its authenticity.
I looked it up and Google told me it wasn’t from St. Therese, but instead St. Teresa of Avila… :confused:
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