Dear Rob
Detroit Sue gave you the best explanation I have heard for what you may be going through. Sometime ago (not long ago and I am 33) , I went through a similar thing to yourself. Everything around me lost meaning, nothing interested me enough, though I remained active and positive still doing things and motivated (which is not a symptom of depression). I, like yourself thought there must be something ‘wrong’ with me. I saw my Dr who said I wasn’t depressed, I left feeling more confused than before I went to the doc’s.
I decided to pray more…(looking back it wasn’t me who decided, it was God pulling me this way) I read more and more about the faith, prayed more and more and soon realised, God was wanting me to withdraw abit from everyday things to spend time with Him , getting to know Him and my faith in a deeper sense. This didn’t mean I became a recluse! I still saw friends and kept my everyday activities going, but when I had the time eveyday and it was nice and quiet, I spent this time with God rather than flicking the TV on. I realised God was showing me I was too busy in my life and needed to slow down to see what life is really about and that God and His laws should come first. For sure, I was so busy I couldn’t see the woods for the trees, know what I mean.
Once I started to spend more time than previously with God, it turned my life around, in that I slowed down, grew in love of God, people and myself. My faith deepened as a result, I looked at my life and saw how disappointing spiritually it had been before this episode. I booked an appointment with my Priest and made the best confession of my life, it really was a life confession!!
I cannot say out of this period has manifested a complete life plan where I have it all mapped out ahead of me 100%, but it is gradually unfolding before me. I am now at the point where I am on the path of taking third orders. Though Rob this may not be the path for you and God, but God will show you for sure what your path is, if you ask Him.
Like Sue said, God purged me and still is doing that, some bits of it were painful mentally and spiritually, but the reward far out measures the difficult bits of it. God moves in the soul and recreates it at different stages in our journey in faith, the wisest thing I could have done was not to fight it, though I did as I wasn’t sure what was happening to me. If I had let God do his work I am sure it would not have been half as painful. Looking back I was a bit like an undisciplined child, I have learnt the need and vitalness of obedience and discipline, I have learnt trust in God, I have learnt the gravity of loving God and other human beings who are sacred, I have learnt to sin less all of this is by His grace and His alone and none of it is accountable to me. The list is endless of what I have learnt and gained and all because I gave God more time, doesn’t really add up the amount of gifts He has given me and the small thing I gave to Him (myself, love, heart, body, mind and soul and my time). If we allow it to happen God will come and teach your soul by the power of the Holy Spirit. Above all I know God’s love and have real peace and happiness, this is the greatest of these gifts.
I will keep you in my prayers and I am glad you have shared your experience with us. I shared it with no-one and kept it to myself, not sure at the time what was happening to me, this was very hard to do and I wouldn’t recommend anyone else do that, it’s better to talk about it. I took no spiritual direction, nor have I since had any of any depth, just some short bits of advice from my Priest. My best advice to you, is to not go through this alone, see your Priest and moreover during this period be very kind to yourself, getting plenty of sleep and trust God, He will only do what is good for you, though we do not always see that at the
God bless you and much love and peace to you