Is this thing for real?!?

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Not sure if I’d call this a Scripture question or something related to “Non-Catholic Religion:” I was browsing the internet today and came upon this . It’s a new Bible “Translation” that’s been given the title “Good as New.” The article alleges that Rowan Williams has given the project his blessing… now on to the shockers (the following things are taken from the article):​

The One organization that produced the new Bible translation is dedicated to “establish[ing] peace, justice, dignity and rights for all.” It is also focused on “sustainable use of the earth’s resources,” challenging “oppression, injustice, exclusion and discrimination” as well as accepting “one another, valuing their diversity and experience.”

According to Ekklesia, a London-based “theological think tank” that supports the “One” translation:

The translation is pioneering in its accessibility, and changes the original Greek and Hebrew nomenclature into modern nicknames. St. Peter becomes “Rocky,” Mary Magdalene becomes “Maggie,” Aaron becomes “Ron,” Andronicus becomes “Andy” and Barabbas becomes “Barry.”

In keeping with the times, translator Henson deftly translates “demon possession” as “mental illness” and “Son of Man,” the expression Jesus frequently used to describe himself, as “the Complete Person.” In addition, parables are rendered as “riddles,” baptize is to “dip” in water, salvation becomes “healing” or “completeness” and Heaven becomes “the world beyond time and space.”

Here’s how Williams, the top Anglican archbishop, describes the new Bible: “Instead of being taken into a specialized religious frame of reference as happens even with the most conscientious of formal modern translations and being given a gospel addressed to specialized concerns we have here a vehicle for thinking and worshipping that is fully earthed, recognizably about our humanity.”

In addition, notes Ekklesia, the archbishop praises Henson’s translation for eliminating “the stale, the technical, the unconsciously exclusive words and policies” in other translations.​

And now for some excerpts from the “new” passages of Scripture:

Mark 1:10-11-“As he was climbing up the bank again, the sun shone through a gap in the clouds. At the same time a pigeon flew down and perched on him. Jesus took this as a sign that God’s spirit was with him. A voice from overhead was heard saying, ‘That’s my boy! You’re doing fine!’”

Matthew 26: “Meanwhile Rocky was still sitting in the courtyard. A woman came up to him and said: 'Haven’t I seen you with Jesus, the hero from Galilee?” Rocky shook his head and said: ‘I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about!’

1 Corinthians 8:7- “If you know you have strong needs, get yourself a partner. Better than being frustrated.”​

I think my girlfriend was right… this stuff goes way past insanity and is bordering on the demonic. Any thoughts? Is this a hoax?!?
LOL, this has to be a hoax. Rocky shook his head and said “i don’t what the hell you’re talking about” – LOL. Do you think that was an actual transcript of the conversation. :rotfl:
Why are people obsessed with translations??

Why not leave well enough alone, and use oral teachings for the translations?

This article says “demons” are now translated as “mental illnesses”

Well DER ! We are taught that anyway, that many people in those times had a mental illness and were considered to have a demon within them.

If you keep translating the Bible to modern slang, then people will just be able to read it for themselves and miss out on all the oral teachings that go along with fully celebrating the Faith.

I can’t believe this article is true, but I can’t seem to find anywhere on this site that it isn’t.

I will keep searching net for any other articles on this.

Love Kellie
This can’t be real (although seeing who the translator is . . .)


I think my girlfriend was right… this stuff goes way past insanity and is bordering on the demonic. Any thoughts? Is this a hoax?!?
I think it is more than bordering on demonic…a PIGEON landed on Jesus? and Jesus took this as a sign that God’s spirit was with him?!

That is obviously trying to say that Jesus is not divine, it seems to say that there is no Holy Spirit…so it seems to be denying the Trinity…this is highly offensive!
I like to collect the various English translations to have them for comparison, but there’s one that will not be joining the collection, if it’s for real. :nope:

ROCKY??? ROCKY??? That ish is sooooooo funny. Picturing Rocky Balboa as Peter is quite amusing. I may pick this Bible up for some good laughs.
This is actually laughable. These translations sound like something my 7 year old daughter would think up.
Just for your info, on my Zenit report this morning it is true. The quotes above were on their report.

A new low has been reached. It is so unbelievable that is has to be demonic.

At first I was laughing at this thread, because it’s too stupid to be real. But I did a search on the google news page for ’ “good as new” bible translation’ … well the bbc has a story on it too:

That kinda shut my laughter up. Looks like this thing is real.
I find the use of the name Rocky rather interesting because my favorite explanation of the whole “upon this Rock” and does Kepha or Petra translate rock or boulder or pebble or… used the Rocky analogy.

Because the English tends to not have any gender to proper names the Petra/Petros tends to not make sense to us. But if we understand that there was no way Jesus would call Peter, Rockette (an obvious feminine name) he had to use the “male” version, Rocky. Knowing this it’s easier to see why the Greek version uses both Petra/Petros - you couldn’t call Peter a female name. I wish I could remember who to give credit for this comparison; I know I haven’t come close to doing it justice.

Now, most who follow apologetics know most of that arguement is futile since Jesus wasn’t speaking Greek but Aramic and used Kepha but that’s another discussion.
Just for your info, on my Zenit report this morning it is true. The quotes above were on their report.

A new low has been reached. It is so unbelievable that is has to be demonic.

I think it would sound much better if they called Peter “The Rock” instead of “Rocky.” you know, like that professional wrestler, the Rock.
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