From Matt Walsh’s Facebook timeline (February 1, 2017)
I had an interesting exchange on Twitter this afternoon with a woman from Planned Parenthood’s board of directors. I asked her what percentage of Planned Parenthood’s annual revenue comes from abortion. She told me 3 percent.
Now, this is a blatant, bald faced lie. The agents of the abortion industry are trained to lie on a whim. If history has taught us anything it’s that lies and murder always go hand in hand. Evil abhors the light of truth.
But what’s interesting about this lie is how completely it undermines everything else Planned Parenthood says. It so utterly destroys their own narrative that, if anything, they ought to be claiming that abortion accounts for MORE of its revenue than it actually does.
Here, I’ll show you what I mean: We know that Planned Parenthood performs around 330,000 abortions a year. We know that they don’t do abortions for free. We know that the average cost of an abortion is, conservatively, around 450 dollars.
Factoring it all together, by the most conservative estimate, Planned Parenthood earns about 150 million dollars a year, give or take, just from abortions. OK kids, time for a math quiz. If 150 million dollars represents “3 percent” of a company’s revenue, how much does that organization earn every year in total?
According to the lie that Planned Parenthood tells, they earn 5 billion dollars a year.
Well, that brings to mind two questions:
- Why do they need 500 million dollars a year in tax funding if they pull in 5 billion a year?
- Just how much are they charging their poor patients for all of these non-abortion services they always clamor on about? By their own claims, they bilk low income women of 5 billion a year – approximately 4.9 billion of which comes from non-abortion procedures. That would mean they’re charging exorbitant, unheard of, astronomical fees for their other alleged “health services.” That’s a scandal all its own. Not only should they be defunded but shutdown immediately and investigated for fraud!
You see, either Planned Parenthood is lying about the 3 percent figure or it’s lying about providing affordable health care to poor women. Both can’t be true. It’s mathematically impossible. Either this company has figured out a way to make 5 billion dollars by handing out birth control and conducting “cancer screening,” or it makes most of its money from abortion and just straight up lies with the “3 percent” shtick.
Which is it? They’re liars and killers either way, but which lie are they telling? And why are they lying to the country, and thus to women, about how they make their money and what their business actually entails? Why don’t they respect women enough to tell them the truth? How could anyone support an organization that refuses to be honest about these very basic things? They lie to women while demanding their undying loyalty? The arrogance is astounding.
Plus, you know, they kill babies. That’s still the most disgusting thing about them, even if they are a bunch of dirty, rotten, liars.