While I don’t exactly know were one would draw the line, just to give my 2 cents…
I would imagine one of the more critical things when watching something with sexual content is that it does not incite(or tempt) one to lust. but with that said it’s almost impossible to avoid all sexual content in movies to the point if you nitpicked over everything you would end up not being able to watch much that’s any good because I have seen over 2,250+ total movies and just about all movies of any real worth are either rated PG-13 or R as while there is some that’s more in the PG range that are enjoyable, that selection is quite limited to the point if I could not watch PG-13 or R rated movies I would largely lose interest in movies which I would not like as it’s pretty much my general form of entertainment.
but I would imagine as a rough guideline… any shows with TOO much nudity/sex are best off being avoided because one can only be bombarded with those images for so long before lust sets in, or at least the temptation to it. NOTE: I know what’s “too much” nudity/sex might vary a little from person-to-person but it’s not that hard to tell that some TV shows/movies are loaded with it where as your more typical R rated movie might only have some occasionally to where if one is praying regularly (I strongly recommend praying The Holy Rosary daily!) you probably won’t cave into lustful thoughts and the like, at least not easily. because not every sex scene/nudity and the like will even tempt someone to those thoughts/actions and it passes quickly without issue.
but in the OP’s specific case… seeing a cartoon with a bikini I would imagine it’s not much of a issue especially considering the OP is female and I doubt that would incite lust in the vast majority of females (since they tend to be straight). at worst, off the top of my head, there might be potential influence for them to be a bit more worldly in their dress etc. but at the same time given RandomGirl’s level of concern over sexual content, I doubt this would effect her much, if at all, because the typical teenager is not going to avoid sexual stuff much at all in today’s world with it being pretty much everywhere and those following the world’s way will surely like it because it goes along with our natural inclination towards concupiscence etc because of our fallen nature. so given your level of concern, which is obviously much higher than the typical teenager(given your question in the topic), that’s already looking good for you as you obviously have a concern for purity etc unlike the typical teenager.
for the record… I have seen a fair amount of movies and shows with excessive sexual content (some shows I like, some I don’t care for) but I have pretty much cut those out of what ill re-watch as I tend to re-watch plenty of movies etc in general. but there is still a bit more I am probably going to cut out of my life even though I already dumped the more major red flag shows.