is it wrong to not want to get married because you don’t relaly like kids? i can deal with them for short periods of time but not much more. also, i’m more or a solitary person and don’t like to be around people constantly therefore i am not much of a relationship person either. people say i’m slefish though because i am not wanting to propagate my generation. i just feel that i can do god’s work more efficiently if i’m on my own.
also, is it wrong to want to work in a secular setting, ex. get a job at the university i’m currently attending? how do you guys go about sharing the faith in the workplace/school? does God have to come up and e a part of every conversation?
also, is it wrong to want to work in a secular setting, ex. get a job at the university i’m currently attending? how do you guys go about sharing the faith in the workplace/school? does God have to come up and e a part of every conversation?