Is unpreparedness the unforgivable sin

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In the parable of the foolish virgins we are told that they were turned away because of their lack of preparation, in other words they were not ready to meet the lord. I understand blasphemy of the holy spirit(which is saying no to God, i will not repent, i love my sin and want to continue living like this) to be unforgivable but is being unprepared worthy of eternal damnation?
Well, like all parables you can read into it metaphorically. They were unprepared to meet their Lord: they had no oil whatsoever to light fire. Those who by their own fault have not responded to the “fire” of God’s love, who have willfully rejected His constant call to prepare themselves spiritually for heaven, will indeed merit damnation by their own choosing.
I think there is a difference between being unprepared to repent and willfully being against repenting, there is a difference between spiritual laziness and defiance i think.
I’m assuming it’s a specific type of unpreparedness - unpreparedness to stand before the Lord and account for your life. Not unpreparedness like not having bottled water, batteries, canned food, etc. But if I’m wrong and it’s the second kind of unpreparedness, then I’m definitely an unforgivable sinner. I was not at all prepared for this disaster and now there’s no toilet paper anywhere. If things ever return to normal (which I don’t think will happen in my lifetime) I’m going full prepper.
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