Is watching South Park a sin?

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I enjoy the show because of its comedy in general, but I always choose to not watch the episodes that contain Blasphemy against the Roman Catholic Church, Jesus Christ, God, and the Virgin Mary. It does not impact me psychologically (motive me to do sinful things) or harm me spiritually (I still am in love with the Church, love Christ and God). I am scared to learn if it is a sin. If it is, then I would stop watching it permanently but I think God would want us to enjoy anything (unless clearly sinful like pornography which could lead us to lust) as long as it doesn’t impact you.
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Sounds like you should stop watching it if you think it could lead you to sin. I’ve personally never seen it.
Firstly, God wants us to enjoy him, carnal enjoyments are ultimately fake. Second, it is not intrinsically evil to watch a show, it comes to intention and circumstance. Assuming your intent is good, then it comes down to things like : is it scandalous, does it cause you to value evil things does it cause sinful movements of your will (genuinely desiring vengeance against a person even if it is a movie, when you are genuinely moved to hate, is a sin), and the like questions. Ask and answer for yourself. If the circumstances/consequences are good, then it’s fine.
Does the show make you the best version of yourself? Does it grow your cause for sainthood?
I love the show. It’s okay to laugh at stuff that is a little PG-13 sometimes. In fact, immature and juvenile humor keeps some of us young at heart.

However, if the show causes you sin, you might want to avoid it.
@Mrchatsworth No to both questions. It makes me enjoy myself.
You enjoy yourself through a tv show? What does it make you enjoy about yourself?
I enjoy a lot of the episodes. The writers are pretty good at making fun of how ridiculous this world is becoming.
I will say, South Park is crass, but the writers are very clever and the show’s social commentary is often surprisingly on point.

To their credit, they make fun of everything. The left, the right, religion, race, celebrities… the list goes on and on. Honestly, Catholicism has gotten off pretty lightly on the show, especially when compared to say, Scientology.

So I’d say that no, it’s not a sin.
Yes they are clever. I’m not a fan of the show… and have only ever seen bits and pieces… but I very much enjoyed Book of Mormon on Broadway. (Same writers).
Yes I’d say it is a sin to watch it. It is blasphemy in many cases or at least irreverence against God and the things of God (saints, heaven, hell etc). Even using those words casually is a sin against the second commandment.
It is also against custody of the senses so is extremely unwise to put that into your head for demons to use to distract you during prayer. So you are wrong when you say it does not affect you, it does it corrodes your relationship with God. Everything that is put into your mind through your senses can be used by either good spirit or bad spirit in prayer or daily life so why make it easy by watching blasphemy and things that show blatant disrespect for someone you love? Also it does not propose good morals … frequently Kenny gets killed and Carter overeats. There is no real good outcome. No virtue is practiced and hell is portrayed as some sort of cool heavy metal place.

If Jesus was sitting next to you on the sofa would you feel comfortable watching it with him? I think he’s tearful that anyone watches it…
I think if you truly want to explore whether this is a sin, you’d be best off first thinking about it carefully and prayerfully on your own, and then if you still need help, talking to a priest.

Asking on here is unlikely to result in any useful result. Some people will tell you it’s a sin, others will tell you that as long as it’s not tempting you to commit other sins and you skip the “bad” parts it’s not a sin. In the end you’ll be no further ahead than before you asked.
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