I really watch a lot of T.V. and I was just wondering is watch too much T.V. glutnous and therefore a sin?
If you have broadband internet, you can always watch EWTN online. That’s what I do, since we don’t get it with basic cable (though it comes with the sports package )I told my husband we (meaning him - heehee ) watch too much T.V.
He agreed and said we should just get rid of it.
But then I thought “I want my, I want my, I want my EWTN!!” So the subject was dropped.
Television is a neutral medium.
You can choose to watch:
*]good programs (like EWTN) that enrich your faith.
*]neutral programs (that do not affect your faith life). Sports fall in here provide it is not done to excess (causing you to neglect other parts of your life and responsibilities) or
*]programs that lead you away from God. Any program which weakens your faith, confuses your morals, or teaches you bad habits (such as cursing) should be avoided.
As long as you maintain your life in balance, watching a lot of TV (first two categories only) is not a problem provided that it does not draw you away from God nor takes away opportunities to draw closer to God.
EXACTLY! This is something I’ve been dealing with myself… so I’ve decided to spend a week or so with the TV off. Today is day two… It’s amazing how many things you’ve been “putting off” get done! Not only that but my husband and I have been doing this weird thing called “talking” at the table. It’s very odd. Apparently we have things going on in our lives. Who knew!?!How to tell if it’s a sin? Check the time you spend:
How much time in prayer each day?
How much time helping others?
How much time at work?
How much time improving yourself: exercise/reading/etc?
How much time zoned out in front of the TV?