Is wearing pic related sinful?

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I have been wearing these types of soles on my shoes since before, during, and after my confirmation. I had never put two thoughts into it, until today.
I don´t get why this would be sinful, it´s not like you´re stepping on crucifixes. Please don´t worry, and trust in the goodness of God. He loves you and cares for you.

It appears to me that you might struggle from scruples. So, please bring your concerns to the attention of your priest.
I wouldn’t wear them. But that has nothing to do with stepping on a design.
I wouldn’t wear them. But that has nothing to do with stepping on a design.
As in the picture, no, I would not either. But they are on the soles of a lot of boots - combat, hiking, and work boots. Helpful for traction in muddy and sandy situations.
Maybe. I’m tired of being asked this, though. I appreciate the concern, but I’m new to this whole trying my darndest to live the faith wholly. Is it wrong to have questions or to want to know things so I don’t make mistakes?
I’d say definitely.
I’m tired of being asked this, though
Where there is smoke there is fire. If many people are picking up that you have a problem through your posts, then it should tell you something.

Speak to a mental health professional and your pastor.
I’m new to this whole trying my darndest to live the faith wholly.
This is not living your faith wholly. These are irrational thoughts.
Is it wrong to have questions or to want to know things so I don’t make mistakes?
Scruples and OCD are mental health issues. They need professional assistance.
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I think it’s just called being an INTP. We ask a lot of questions and tend to get stuck in our heads 😆

Of course it would probably help to make Catholic friends in meatspace, so I stop pestering you folks about everything.

I’m quite confident the moderators will reprimand me again for creating this topic! Apologies, it’s all in good faith.
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It is a design feature with a presumably utilitarian purpose (traction underfoot). Things that make perpendicular designs with right angles are not necessarily making “crosses”.

Nothing to see here.
Do you think they are sacred symbols piously put there with the intent of being sacred and then you are desecrating them by using them for their purpose? I have news for you, there are actual crosses in the floor of my parish. We walk on them. Please logically think through this.
I have news for you, there are actual crosses in the floor of my parish. We walk on them.
That’s a really good point!

I’ll let my confessor know that I might have issues with scruples or OCD or whatever. I think he knows, to be honest.

Compounding any feelings of guilt were the fact that I did not notice this really, until about 10 minutes prior to communion, with a woman sitting behind me today who looked very proper, who was probably noticing (there are no barriers or chairs due to extenuating circumstances of Covid-19). After Mass I looked it up, and found an article about the Orthodox church condemning this design:
You’re literally stepping on crosses.
Ok. I honestly don’t think that I have come across someone more sympathetic to those that get accused of being overly scrupulous, than myself… on CAF.
This concern, in my opinion, is over the top!
trying my darndest to live the faith wholly
And you should, but these soles are not an issue.
Is it wrong to have questions or to want to know things so I don’t make mistakes?
Not at all. As you noted, the CAF moderators will disagree but I dont think it’s wrong to simply ask. You are always welcome to send me a pm, if you like. It dont bother me none🤷‍♂️ Again, I think that you are way off base with this particular concern.

Be at peace.

Please talk to a Confessor about scruples. Scruples are damaging to a person’s spiritual life because they take away joy and peace (which are virtues) and instead make us alarmed and disturbed.

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Why then?

And no, they are clearly not arithmetical symbols :roll_eyes:
They are clearly not crosses. They are an effective tread design for boots which are used where the ground is not hard and smooth. They grip within the center area of the tread but have a design which self-cleans quickly - as anyone who has ever worn such a boot can testify to; the ridges around the outside of the sole pick up dirt.mud but do not clean out as well as the center area. If one knows either a bit of engineering or physics, one can see that the center design works effectively both for forward.backward motion and lateral motion for both gripping and self-cleaning. There is no “Christian” design to it, nor is there any “anti-Christian” design. Just effective design for gripping the surface walked on.
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