Is wishing for a player or a sports team to loose envious?

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This Sunday, there will be an F1 race in Austria and I will probably be watching it on TV. I know that I am cheering for Sebastian Vettel but how about if I wish for other teams or drivers to loose? Is that considered sinful and envious? I know that it isn’t really a mortal sin because I don’t wish grave harm to them, but is it considered as venial sins?

Please help

(Please don’t flag me as scrupulous, I am just wondering about it)
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It’s a race. A game. Entertainment that people figured out they could make a living at. You want your guy to win. That means the other guys lose. That’s how a race works. Everyone in the race signed up for that, and no one’s really losing anything of value if they don’t win.

So stop worrying about it and enjoy the race.
When we wish for our team or an athlete to win in a competition we are automatically wishing for all the rest to loose.
We are not wishing evil upon anyone, a competition between equally advantaged athletes is not sinful and neither is it for us wishing our chosen one wins. Happy watching!
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I have sports teams I hope lose more than I hope my favorite teams win.
Wishing loss is fine, wishing someone gets hurt is not ok. Beyond that just so you know, I don’t follow f1. But I’m rooting for whatever person you said to lose!😁
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