How do the above compare?
The question wasn’t a slam, I just happen to be slightly more educated about Judaism thanks to the kind and thoughtful replies by Jews to many questions I have asked.They don’t.
Protestants permit and even encourage the use of images except ‘as aids to worship’.
Thus there have been a number of famous devoutly Protestant graphic artists.
Islam forbids the making of any images of any living thing.
Why don’t you ask about ‘Judaism vs. Protestantism concerning graven images’…
Just doesn’t have the same ‘slam-value’ does it?
Does Islam forbid images of the deceased “as aids to worship”?Islam forbids the making of any images of any living thing.
Actually this is not a slam like many things protestant it varies there is no one postion. You my friend are dead wrong in speaking as your opinion that represents all protestants. Some do use images as aids to worship especially high church Anglicans and high church Luterhans. Luther had statues of Mary in fact he came back form exile and blasted the iconoclast who destroyed all the images in the catholic cathedrals and parishes in their protest. Luther thought they went mad his protest didn’t include such trivial things which had become part of Christian piety from the earliest centureis of Christianity.They don’t.
Protestants permit and even encourage the use of images except ‘as aids to worship’.
Thus there have been a number of famous devoutly Protestant graphic artists.
Islam forbids the making of any images of any living thing.
Why don’t you ask about ‘Judaism vs. Protestantism concerning graven images’…
Just doesn’t have the same ‘slam-value’ does it?
At the risk of sounding cheeky, if Lutherans don’t follow what Luther believed, why are they called Lutherans?Mac,
My answer was meant to address the majority view in Protestantism, not to give a break down of what this or that splinter group believes. And for the record, Lutherans do not use images as ‘aids to worship’ they will have them in their churches but they don’t use them in worship. I speak with direct knowledge on this one, what Luther did is another matter…Lutherans don’t follow him in everything…
What the Anglicans do is their own problem, and believe me, they have plenty of problems.
My point was that there is nothing in Protestantism, as a whole, which forbids the making of pictures or graphic images per se and I adduced the fact that there have been a number of great artists who happen to have been Protestant.
Islam has a wholesale prohibition against the making of any images. This prohibition is generally ignored when it comes to pictures of their leaders, etc. but the proscription is there none theless
Good response.Just to clear the air, I meant no disrespect toward any group. I’m learning that it’s best to walk on eggshells when requesting information.
I’m trying to learn to be charitable to aggressive and disrespectful posters who are here to “straighten us out”.
Well your poiting to the problem with protestantism what Lutherans used to do in the 16th century. Having stutues as an aid to worship. And even Matin Luther himslef they no longer do. IF you visit the Lutheran churches in Europe many look identifcal to catholic cathedrals including statures the crucifix and yes Lutherans did use images as aids to worship although I doubt that happens much today in 21st century america. Lutherans used to have confessionals also they don’t have them anymore.Mac,
My answer was meant to address the majority view in Protestantism, not to give a break down of what this or that splinter group believes. And for the record, Lutherans do not use images as ‘aids to worship’ they will have them in their churches but they don’t use them in worship. I speak with direct knowledge on this one, what Luther did is another matter…Lutherans don’t follow him in everything…
What the Anglicans do is their own problem, and believe me, they have plenty of problems.
My point was that there is nothing in Protestantism, as a whole, which forbids the making of pictures or graphic images per se and I adduced the fact that there have been a number of great artists who happen to have been Protestant.
Islam has a wholesale prohibition against the making of any images. This prohibition is generally ignored when it comes to pictures of their leaders, etc. but the proscription is there none theless
Um, Okay…Well your poiting to the problem with protestantism what Lutherans used to do in the 16th century. Having stutues as an aid to worship. And even Matin Luther himslef they no longer do. IF you visit the Lutheran churches in Europe many look identifcal to catholic cathedrals including statures the crucifix and yes Lutherans did use images as aids to worship although I doubt that happens much today in 21st century america. Lutherans used to have confessionals also they don’t have them anymore.
Not all anglicans or anglican preactices are that bad.
Ah that is your 21st century evangelical interpretation of scripture and art. Go back in time my friend if you are protestant of the anabpatist or Calvinist lienage in the 16th -19th century and your not talking about freedome of expression in the protestnat world.
Sure you allowed today in many protestant movements to express yourself but that is of a very recent trend in protestantism. Poitting to the changing doctiren of protestantism.
Besides Lutherans and Anglicans there was not a lot of artwork coming out of the other sects of protestantism. Besides them compairing the artwork of all other portestants comibned to the artowrk of catholic christians is like comparing Mount Everest to a molehill. The great museums and and art historian witness to the fact of catholic arts sheer mass of work an superiority compared to protestant art epsically from the time of the 1500’s to the 1900’s it dwarfed th contributions of protestant artist.
Sorry the great artist of the period were almost all catholics and they were giants of the field which towered over the protestants in the field. THat trend continue today the best Jesus films are from Catholics like Mel Gibson and Franco Zaffarelli. Protestant Jesus fillms are rather bland in comparision kind of alot of protestant art.
Well it’s not if its the truth.Um, Okay…
Triumphalist Salad