Israel's Tax on Christian Churches & parallels

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I was watching EWTN’s the World Over just now, and they had a franciscan who was complaining about the tax imposed on catholic churches in Israel. He said that it wasn’t fair, and that synogagues (sp?) weren’t taxed so why should churches be. The thing that came to my mind was the tax imposed on the Jewish people in the Papal States, which funded schools to educate Jews who converted to Christianity. How can we say that Israel’s action is wrong when our own Church did the same thing?

That was a different era. For Israel to be doing this in 2007, with massive U.S. financial backing to prop up their nation, is a slap in the face of all U.S. citizens. We are a nation that highly values religious freedom. Our constitution gaurantees it. Because of our constitution Jews from all over the world have come here and succeeded beyond the wildest dreams of most people in the world. I think Israel is wrong to then turn and discriminate against Christians in their country, especially after their history of having experienced the other side of that coin.
That was a different era. For Israel to be doing this in 2007, with massive U.S. financial backing to prop up their nation, is a slap in the face of all U.S. citizens. We are a nation that highly values religious freedom. Our constitution gaurantees it. Because of our constitution Jews from all over the world have come here and succeeded beyond the wildest dreams of most people in the world. I think Israel is wrong to then turn and discriminate against Christians in their country, especially after their history of having experienced the other side of that coin.
I would like to see some evidence from the OP of these claims and how exactly the taxes are implemented before I can comment or make an informed opinion.
I would like to see some evidence from the OP of these claims and how exactly the taxes are implemented before I can comment or make an informed opinion.
Semper Fi, I don’t know how the Israeli tax is implimented because all I heard about it was what was on that program, as for the taxes on the Jews. I believe I heard about it on wikipedia, I know. I can’t remember the precise article though, it was the one dealing with the jewish child who was raised taken away from his parents, and raised by the Church.


I was watching EWTN’s the World Over just now, and they had a franciscan who was complaining about the tax imposed on catholic churches in Israel. He said that it wasn’t fair, and that synogagues (sp?) weren’t taxed so why should churches be. The thing that came to my mind was the tax imposed on the Jewish people in the Papal States, which funded schools to educate Jews who converted to Christianity. How can we say that Israel’s action is wrong when our own Church did the same thing?

Israel taxes everything and highly, it’s a small country and an important one and needs to be financially stable in sucha region that it is in. Taxes are extremely high there, I know people who’ve gone on trips there and like here 7% tax on store bought items but it’s like 25% there, just it is a highly taxing state with little space.
That was a different era. For Israel to be doing this in 2007, with massive U.S. financial backing to prop up their nation, is a slap in the face of all U.S. citizens. We are a nation that highly values religious freedom. Our constitution gaurantees it. Because of our constitution Jews from all over the world have come here and succeeded beyond the wildest dreams of most people in the world. I think Israel is wrong to then turn and discriminate against Christians in their country, especially after their history of having experienced the other side of that coin.
What does America have to do with this at all???
America is a huge sponsor of the State of Israel. They are the largest recipients of our foreign aide, last I heard.
What does America have to do with Christian Churches in Israel and them being taxed? Nothing in the OP said anything at all about America…
Hey, everybody!
15Then the Pharisees went and plotted together how they might trap Him in what He said.
16And they sent their disciples to Him, along with the Herodians, saying, "Teacher, we know that You are truthful and teach the way of God in truth, and defer to no one; for You are not partial to any.
17"Tell us then, what do You think? Is it lawful to give a poll-tax to Caesar, or not?"
18But Jesus perceived their malice, and said, "Why are you testing Me, you hypocrites?
19"Show Me the coin used for the poll-tax." And they brought Him a denarius.
20And He said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?”
21They said to Him, “Caesar’s.” Then He said to them, “**Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God the things that are God’s.” **
22And hearing this, they were amazed, and leaving Him, they went away.
'Nuff said?


EDIT: I have to admit, the irony here makes me chuckle a bit… 😃
The Jews thought that coinage with an image on it was an idol. Just thought I would add that.
But what we get from this passage is that it is permissible (and expected) to pay taxes and do the other things a responsible citizen should do, provided that they don’t conflict with our duties to God.

If a Christian lives in Israel, he/she must live with the tax. If there is a way to petition for a redress of this grievance without causing a public disturbance, fine; otherwise, live with it.

America is a huge sponsor of the State of Israel. They are the largest recipients of our foreign aide, last I heard.
If Israel taxes all religious organizations equally, I don’t have a problem. If they discriminate against non-Jews, I do have a problem. How can the Jews be so hypocritical, when they very well know what it’s like to be on the other end of that equation? Israel was founded by American Jews, who had very rightfully demanded equal rights for themselves, and benefited from them. America is founded on religious freedom. I don’t think we should be supporting nations who don’t live up to certain standards, religious freedom being on the top of the list. Taxing Christian Churches, but not Jewish houses of worship is discrimination.

I was watching EWTN’s the World Over just now, and they had a franciscan who was complaining about the tax imposed on catholic churches in Israel. He said that it wasn’t fair, and that synogagues (sp?) weren’t taxed so why should churches be. The thing that came to my mind was the tax imposed on the Jewish people in the Papal States, which funded schools to educate Jews who converted to Christianity. How can we say that Israel’s action is wrong when our own Church did the same thing?

To extent your parallel, since the Church has realized that such taxation was not a good idea and stopped doing it, should not Israel now do the same?
To extent your parallel, since the Church has realized that such taxation was not a good idea and stopped doing it, should not Israel now do the same?
I don’t think that the Church said that her taxation of the Jews was a bad idea, but even if she did I still find it hard to say “Israel’s persecuting the Christians” when, if we acknowlege this taxation as persecution, the Church is guilty of the same thing in reverse.

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