Issues In Praying The Rosary

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Hi everyone,

Since there are several threads currently involving the rosary, I thought I’d add this thread to relate some of my personal experiences. First off, let me say that I love the rosary…it is one of my favorite prayers.

One thing I’ve noticed though, is that when praying the rosary in a group (at church, for example) I have a hard time keeping my focus in mediatating on the mysteries. When I say it alone I have no problem, most likely because I can recite the vocal prayers at my own pace and in my own rhythm. In a group, though (especially when different people lead the various decades), each person tends to have their own rhythm in starting the prayers…which can lead to different rhythms among the people concluding them. It’s worst when I lead one of the decades because I find myself more concerned with keeping a rhythm than meditating.

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t discouraging me from praying the rosary in groups. I was just wondering if anyone else experienced these issues too. Also, is it just a sign that my meditative abilities need some further developing? I do consider myself a visual person, but I’ll admit meditative/contemplative prayer is not one of my strongest suits at this stage in my life.

Anybody else with similar experiences?
Noticed the same problem. I am a Southerner and many in my parish are from up North. They speak faster then, generally speaking (pardon the pun) then we in the south do.

I have a slow and constant, almost chant like way of saying the rosary, where as my friends “speed” through the prayers. I do keep up with their pace, but I have pictures of each of the mysteries lamenated, I find it easier to meditate with the help of visual aids. I find this helpful to me.
Also like to add. I have the 14 Stations of the Cross in 8x10 lamenated sheets.

Books I read withOUT pictures :whacky: but can’t do without visual aids for praying… Ya don’t need to be a kid to like pictures, i’m 42 :bigyikes: ,

I love the unity of praying the Rosary in a group, but, like you, I also meditate much better when I pray alone.
Strangely, I seem unable to meditate on the mysteries in a group prayer situation, but I can handle thinking about the virtues sort of. You know, how with each mystery there is a virtue, like humility or faith or whatnot.

As an aside, I totally dig pictures of the Annunciation! They are sooo cool and my church has an awesome stained glass window of it. It draws you right in to meditation and prayer.
Funny that you asked this, because in the summer there was one of the ladies that is kind of in charge of the rosary and she asked me how do you get someone to slow down, there are people when they lead the rosary that speed through it, or there are those who go to slow. I laughed because I think when the rosary is prayed in a group it is difficult to please everyone so you can only pray from your heart. But for meditating I think it is easiest when you are praying the rosary in front of the Blessed Sacrament or alone.
Dear friend

This thread made me smile, because whenever I have joined in the group Rosary before midday Mass at church, I want to say ‘Slow down you are rushing it!!’…they seem to go at break neck speed in order to get the whole 5 decades done before Mass. Personally I think a slow contemplative one decade is worth more than 50 flown through speedo decades!! I think people are concerned with quanity rather than quality. The Rosary to me is a beautiul prayer designed to link prayer with scripture, to bring not just the mind into prayer but also our hearts into scripture and prayer so that we are spiritually united with our Blessed Mother. If all that happens is a hurried chant, rather than a prayerful movement through the Rosary, I think we have missed the point of it. Also if someone is new to the Rosary, the proficient racings through the decades can seem a bit off putting and hard to a newcomer, when infact the Rosary is an easy and simple prayer if taken slowly.

When saying the Sorrowful Mysteries, I find it extremely hard to go through these at any decent speed, I contemplate them very slowly, and due to emotion and love need to stop and think and offer love to my Lord Jesus Christ.

Personally if it is rushed , I feel it loses what is the essence of it, contemplation is a deep and reverent flight with the Holy Spirit. I contemplate almost all the time in my daily life, I can almost equate all situations in life with the life of Christ Jesus and in this there is great peace…the Rosary is a prayer of peace and contemplation, it should not be a source of stress and galloping , hoping you are keeping up or saying it in the right rythmn, maybe it would be better to keep this as a private devotion if it is having negative effects saying it in a group setting. Personally I don’t like to pray the Rosary in a group setting, but i do it because I feel there is something very powerful about joined prayers and intentions.

Just my thoughts

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I had always dealt with the same problem.

To me, the meditations are the best part, far more important than repeating the Hail Mary 50 or 150 times.

I have also reversed the order and prayed 150 PaterNosters with Hail Mary’s between. I like that.

Then I switched to the Jesus Prayer.

I believe in being flexible 😃
When I lead a decade, I say the prayers at MY pace and voice inflextion. At times, some will “jump” in and try to “help” me finish. :eek:

I set the tone with the Our Father. I like to say this prayer very slowly. If it was important enough for our Lord to personally give us this prayer, we should take our time and THINK/MEDITATE on every word, not just rattle it off, but to really feel each word in our heart and soul.

When I say the Rosary in a “fast” speaking group, I just offer up my frustrations to our Lord and Holy Mother.
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