Italian horn and saint medal worn together

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tony_Lorenzo_Luciano
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I am of 100% Italian decent and was gifted a Saint Anthony and Italian horn when i turned 13, I wear the Saint Anthony medal and Italian horn on the same chain. I have relatives and a friend who also wear their saint medal and Italian horn together on the same chain. Is it wrong to wear both of these together?
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no i just asked if wearing the horn was wrong, not if wearing the medal and horn was wrong
I think you have a couple of threads on this topic and one of them is specifically about wearing them together!
How Many saint medals can i wear? Is it wrong to wear two at the same time? Spirituality
I wear two saint medals every day. Saint Anthony and my Italian horn charm on one chain and Saint Christopher on a separate one. Is it wrong to wear both of them at the same time?
There was also a separate one just about whether it was okay to wear the horn:
Is wearing the Italian horn charm wrong? Catholic Living
I am Italian-American and wear the Italian horn charm, my cousins and my uncle Lorenzo also wear it. Is it wrong?
Other people have asked similar questions:
Italian horn Moral Theology
My wife and I are both 100% Italian. We are also both Catholic. Growing up, I had a silver necklace with a cornetto (Italian horn), which is the Italian’s good luck charm. Now, I’ve never believed in good luck or superstition at all, I find it silly and offensive to God. However, my wife was sort of superstitious person growing up and I’ve been able to convince her that “knocking on wood” is a sin. I do not believe for her it would be mortal, since I don’t believe she truly believes it actually …
Italian horn Moral Theology
I have a friend who wears an Italian Horn (looks like this) CCC 2117 says that “Wearing charms is [also] reprehensible.” But if he doesn’t believe in it as a charm, and for him it is strictly an ornament, no harm, right?
This contributor’s father-in-law wore the Italian horn with a crucifix and Sacred Heart:
I'm in deep Doo Doo with Hubby! Prayer Intentions
Hello!! I misplaced (possibly) my husbands deceased fathers valuables. I can’t find them. I am worried that since we sold our house, with all the people that have been coming and going it also could of been stolen. It was his Gold Chain with a Gold Crucifix, Italian horn and Sacred heart of Jesus. I am so upset. Even though I know I can put in an insurance claim, the personal value behind it can not be replaced. Please PRAY I find it. Love, Jill
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