Did you see this on tonight’s “O’Reilly Factor”? I couldn’t understand how kids were getting this book. I know Planned Parenthood, that lovely organization, put it out, and it was distributed w/o parents knowledge or permission, however, I wasn’t clear on the circumstances. Did a public school do it? I’d sue. The sub guy that was in for O’Reilly (can’t remember his name, it wasn’t John Gibson or Tony Snow) was pointing out to the “family therapist” (yeah, right), that they couldn’t even show the pictures on the show b/c it was considered obscene, so why was it ok to give to kids? Her tired reply was something along the lines of “kids need to know that there bodies are beautiful, sex is normal and natural, blah, blah, blah.” And when asked why this was done w/o parental involvement, she said b/c some parents wouldn’t have allowed their kids to get the book. WELL, DUH! Whose kids are they? First of all, kids are born knowing how to masturbate, they don’t need to see drawings (no one taught me, I figured it out on my own just fine, unfortunately). Second, if you’re Catholic (and some other types of Christian, I’m sure), masturbation is NOT ok, and how about we let parents teach their kids sexual morals that are in line w/ their faith, shall we? Third, kids don’t need to see drawings of people having sex, that’s the same as showing them still images of X rated movies (which is considered child abuse). I don’t think the host was tough enough on this woman. Bill would have probably tore into her a little more, probably giving an example of what he would do if he found out this was given to his daughter w/o his knowledge or permission.
This is a prime example of how planned parenthood is attempting to take away all parental rights. It’s not enough that they want our children to be able to get birth control and have abortions w/o our knowledge. Now, they’re going to teach them about sex w/o us as well (to make sure they need the birth control and abortions later, maybe?). I wonder if there’s any recourse for the parents of the kids who got this garbage.