i have tried so many many times to give up pornography and masturbation. I keep praying but how come I fall? I can go a week but then I find my way into it again!
i have tried so many many times to give up pornography and masturbation. I keep praying but how come I fall? I can go a week but then I find my way into it again!
Exporter said:**************************************************************************
This is a suggestion. Maybe you do that because you like it better than being a son of the Most Holy God. You don’t know thaat God can snap your neck like it was a straw if he want to. He has given yyou so much, yet you dont listen, are you selfish? God didn’t make you so you can do those things.
One of these days, take some time and make a decision. Decidee you will be a slave to that stuff and throw God out the window. Or gather up the pornography, throw it ALL out. Get on your knees and talk tto Jesus just as if you are on the phone to a friend. Ask Him for what you want and ask forgiveness. Then go to confession, it is powerful, it gives you grace - but hey, be honest in confession.
Though I personally am not struggling with the former, I have struggled with the solitary sin: the M…i have tried so many many times to give up pornography and masturbation. I keep praying but how come I fall? I can go a week but then I find my way into it again!
For me now that Spring and Summer are not too far off. I will suffer a lot seing some women dress provacatively. My eyes will start to wander and then the thoughts, and then…I sympathize with you, having had a similar problem.
I quit because it was just too embarrassing confessing it every month to my priest. I tried to be vague (mumbled “impurity so and so many times”) and he’d say loudly, “What did you do?”
So it was easier to quit. Besides, it’s a grave sin and who wants to add to the burden of sins that Jesus bore for us? Maybe if you meditate on His sacrifice (while taking your cold shower) it will help.
If you’re male you can try the method invented by me. I don’t know if it works as I’m never addicted to porn, badly need someone else to try it out:i have tried so many many times to give up pornography and masturbation. I keep praying but how come I fall? I can go a week but then I find my way into it again!
Keep working at it. Remember that the Blessed Virgin Mary revealed that more souls go to hell over sins of (name removed by moderator)urity than for anything else.
Also remember that the Devil finds things for idle hands. Fill up your life with other things so that you have less time for these sinful activities: * REQUIRE yourself to say all 15 decades of the rosary EVERY day without excuses. That’ll fill up at least an hour right there. Plus, you’ll be gaining graces which will help you avoid this sin.
- Re-organize your schedule so that you attend daily mass. This may require to juggle a lot of things around thus eating up more free time plus the graces received from Mass will also aid you in your spiritual battle.
- If after following the above suggestions you still have free time on your hands to engage in these sinful activities, consider joining your local Knights of Columbus and become involved in their activities. Knights do local works of charity. Those activities should help keep you busy and recall that sripture tells us that charity toward others atones for a multitude of sins.
Each of these suggestions kills two birds with one stone. First off, they eat up your time so that you have less time to devote to sinful activities and they replace it with activities which will help you grow in grace to asist you in this spiritual battle. Also, remember what will happen if you die with a mortal sin on your soul and confess it as often as it happens.
Going hand in hand with that, do face-to-face confession so that you are actually looking at the priest when confessing these sins and make it a point to go to the same priest each time. – seeing the same priest week after week and confessing the same embarassing sins will also help you in avoiding them because you will want to minimize having to see the same priest again and confess the same sin again.
I’ve struggled greatly with masturbation. Let me put my :twocents: in before this thread is deleted.i have tried so many many times to give up pornography and masturbation. I keep praying but how come I fall? I can go a week but then I find my way into it again!