"It's time to move on" - opinion piece on gay marriage calls for undemocratic move

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In Massachusetts, the legislature is supposed to reconvene a constitutional convention on 11/9 to vote on whether to allow the gay marriage initiative (to bring to voters in 2008) to move forward. The convention was originally scheduled for 7/12/06 but was not so coincidently postponed until two days after the election in an obvious attempt to gain more supporters to stop the proposed gay marriage ban. Even the liberal Boston Globe believes that a vote should be taken on whether or not to move the measure forward. However, some prominent people in this state are suggesting that the legislature should boycott the convention or that the convention be adjourned before a vote can be taken (this is what happened in 2002 when this measure was initially attempted-if it had gone forward as it should have we may not have had the activist judges ruling on gay marriage). Anyway, it’s an outrage to think that the democratic process might be thwarted by pro-gay marriage factions. As an example, take a look at this piece by Boston Globe columnist Adrian Walker - he makes a less than veiled plea for the legislature to do the undemocratic thing, that is, to adjourn the convention before a vote can be taken. It’s very frustrating. Pray that this measure to ban gay marriage will successfully go through and that the people will have the opportunity to vote on it (eventually in 2008).

It’s been my experience that Democrats are only democratic when they know they aren’t going to lose their agenda by a vote of the people. :rolleyes:
Massachusetts can make any law they want, marriage will always be marriage no matter how they amend it or add benefit to it. In the end government does not control the definition of marriage, natural law does. Natual law of our biology is for one man and one woman to be monogamous and to be responsible for the sexual/reproductive activities.

Governments do hold a responsibility if they choose to uphold natural law, they can not, no matter how hard they try change it. Call me emotional, because I had a baby 8 days ago. But my husband and I undergone so much sacrifice to not only love as a feeling but care in terms of action to care for my children. You can’t put a price on being up for six solid hours with a newborn with gas or bearing down on your “girlie parts” to birth a baby.

Despite medical science and craftily legislation, all children have the same biological origin one mother and one father. Sure one can purchase eggs and sperm from a catalog, and pay desperate women to bear children for payment of “services”. You tell a child he has no father but instead two mothers, but we all know that is a lie since two women can not create a child.

The child knows better, or will know better when he questions his true roots. The child has a right to know his origins over a are givers want to be natural parent. This is even true in traditional adoption, adoptive parents sooner or later have to reveal the truth to their child of the biological parents. To denote my past nine months, my labor, and even my parenting to the level of being a service and that my husband and I can be replaced by a multiple definition of marriage by statute that has nothing to do with responsible procreational activities but rather erases them as a matter of legislative law but never natural law.

We have been neutered and accountability to one another as a matter of legislative law doesn’t exist. Society has an interest in keeping couples who have sex together to be monogamous and to raise their children. Many children do well without being in the traditional household, but children do better when their biological mother and father love each other and our committed through the institution of marriage. As a wife and mother, and my husband as husband and father we are nobody to Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

I don’t hate homosexuals or even disagree with them that they should receive some acknowledgment for their living arrangements. They can not call me a bigot though, for simply recognizing that as a heterosexual woman I need society to acknowledge the uniqueness of the relationship I have with my husband. If society through its laws refuses to acknowledge the responsibility and sacrifice that men and women make through marriage, then it shouldn’t make a legal mockery through statutes and court decisions in an attempt to destroy marriage in the name of equality and encourage people not to be married at all through “no fault” legislation.

Marriage has nothing to do equality, marriage acknowledges the complimentary relationship of man and woman puts both individuals in a venerable position as the give all of themselves to each other and their children (if any) are the natural results of that relationship.

Prayer for our legislature and properly discern this tangled web that people have differing needs based on their sexual orientation, and to lump everyone into a definition of a promise that holds no accountability if one decides to breaks it and walk away leaving the other destitute is not a Right.

Back in July political advertisement paid for activists for gay marriage was endorsed by several dozen business leaders. These claimed people who oppose gay marriage should let things go and not push for a constitutional amendment to clarify our laws, because it was bad for our economy and other issues concerning Massachusetts. I’m sure people would think I would be irrational if I blamed gay activitism for the problems with the Big Dig. “If the state weren’t so busy with gay marriage we wouldn’t be having all the problems with the tunnel system in Boston.”

Gay activists are entitled to have their arguments heard in front of our courts, they are entitle to lobby for laws they deem to be appropriate and needed within in Massachusetts. It doesn’t mean the courts have to always side with them, and in this case they did. And it doesn’t mean the legislature has to enact the laws that they lobby. People who oppose gay marriage are also entitled to the same access to our government, if not through the courts or the legislature then let it be through our rights to amend our state constitution.
Massachusetts can make any law they want, marriage will always be marriage no matter how they amend it or add benefit to it. In the end government does not control the definition of marriage, natural law does. Natual law of our biology is for one man and one woman to be monogamous and to be responsible for the sexual/reproductive activities.

Governments do hold a responsibility if they choose to uphold natural law, they can not, no matter how hard they try change it. Call me emotional, because I had a baby 8 days ago. But my husband and I undergone so much sacrifice to not only love as a feeling but care in terms of action to care for my children. You can’t put a price on being up for six solid hours with a newborn with gas or bearing down on your “girlie parts” to birth a baby.

Despite medical science and craftily legislation, all children have the same biological origin one mother and one father. Sure one can purchase eggs and sperm from a catalog, and pay desperate women to bear children for payment of “services”. You tell a child he has no father but instead two mothers, but we all know that is a lie since two women can not create a child.

The child knows better, or will know better when he questions his true roots. The child has a right to know his origins over a are givers want to be natural parent. This is even true in traditional adoption, adoptive parents sooner or later have to reveal the truth to their child of the biological parents. To denote my past nine months, my labor, and even my parenting to the level of being a service and that my husband and I can be replaced by a multiple definition of marriage by statute that has nothing to do with responsible procreational activities but rather erases them as a matter of legislative law but never natural law.

We have been neutered and accountability to one another as a matter of legislative law doesn’t exist. Society has an interest in keeping couples who have sex together to be monogamous and to raise their children. Many children do well without being in the traditional household, but children do better when their biological mother and father love each other and our committed through the institution of marriage. As a wife and mother, and my husband as husband and father we are nobody to Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

I don’t hate homosexuals or even disagree with them that they should receive some acknowledgment for their living arrangements. They can not call me a bigot though, for simply recognizing that as a heterosexual woman I need society to acknowledge the uniqueness of the relationship I have with my husband. If society through its laws refuses to acknowledge the responsibility and sacrifice that men and women make through marriage, then it shouldn’t make a legal mockery through statutes and court decisions in an attempt to destroy marriage in the name of equality and encourage people not to be married at all through “no fault” legislation.

Marriage has nothing to do equality, marriage acknowledges the complimentary relationship of man and woman puts both individuals in a venerable position as the give all of themselves to each other and their children (if any) are the natural results of that relationship.

Prayer for our legislature and properly discern this tangled web that people have differing needs based on their sexual orientation, and to lump everyone into a definition of a promise that holds no accountability if one decides to breaks it and walk away leaving the other destitute is not a Right.

Gay activists are entitled to have their arguments heard in front of our courts, they are entitle to lobby for laws they deem to be appropriate and needed within in Massachusetts. It doesn’t mean the courts have to always side with them, and in this case they did. And it doesn’t mean the legislature has to enact the laws that they lobby. People who oppose gay marriage are also entitled to the same access to our government, if not through the courts or the legislature then let it be through our rights to amend our state constitution.
Thank you for your impassioned plea for the defense of traditional marriage. I agree with everything you say but I do have one minor quibble with one of your statements. When you say that gays should have some kind of acknowledgement for their living arrangements do you mean that their illicit living arrangement (after all, all sexual relationships outside the sacramental marriage covenant are illicit) should be endorsed somehow (even if it’s not marriage)? Just wondering. God Bless your family.
Being from Massachusetts I have conversed with homosexuals who want equality, I’ve suggested striking the term marriage and using “civil unions” for both heterosexuals, homosexuals and non-sexuals so things would be equal according to the civil law. Since marriage laws are weak to begin with i.e. no fault and little to no disclosure or promise that is upheld by the courts at the time the marriageis acknowledged by the state why should we call it marriage and why are homosexuals want to enjoyment and Right to be left destitute by their partner?

Some homosexuals do care about needs when they make a personal investment in a relationship, but they were better off and so would be heterosexuals if they write their own marriage/civil pre-nups and all the paper work that is involved in it. Personally I can not condone such behavior. I rather talk person to person about sinful behavior then attempt to legislate it out. Many homosexuals don’t care what marriage is or isn’t, all they want is the title of marriage so they can pride themselves that there is no difference in need compared to heterosexuals. Just as we can not “legislate” against homosexualy, they can not “legislate” that marriage has nothing to do with heterosexuality.
Being from Massachusetts I have conversed with homosexuals who want equality, I’ve suggested striking the term marriage and using “civil unions” for both heterosexuals, homosexuals and non-sexuals so things would be equal according to the civil law. Since marriage laws are weak to begin with i.e. no fault and little to no disclosure or promise that is upheld by the courts at the time the marriageis acknowledged by the state why should we call it marriage and why are homosexuals want to enjoyment and Right to be left destitute by their partner?

Some homosexuals do care about needs when they make a personal investment in a relationship, but they were better off and so would be heterosexuals if they write their own marriage/civil pre-nups and all the paper work that is involved in it. Personally I can not condone such behavior. I rather talk person to person about sinful behavior then attempt to legislate it out. Many homosexuals don’t care what marriage is or isn’t, all they want is the title of marriage so they can pride themselves that there is no difference in need compared to heterosexuals. Just as we can not “legislate” against homosexualy, they can not “legislate” that marriage has nothing to do with heterosexuality.
I work with several persons with same-sex attractions and some of them have taken advantage of our state’s laws allowing same-sex couples to be married. I respect them as individuals and truly care about them as persons and children of God. However, under no circumstances can I endorse any relationship that is sexually active outside the confines of a sacramental marriage and thus I do not favor any special legal priviledges for these relationships (including heterosexuals who aren’t married but live together). I know in this society it will be increasingly difficult to hold the views that I just clarified but I believe the Church is absolutely right about this issue. Following God’s Truth (especially in Massachusetts) is indeed countercultural and burdensome but there’s really no alternative if you continue to want to call yourself (I’m speaking in a general sense here) a faithful Catholic. I’ll be sure to check out your blog.
Maryland will be next!


After the election it will be up to our left-wing legislature and Gov - God help us!

The liberals will get their Gay Marriage if people dont vote in those Politicians who care.
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