IUD, NFP, family planning

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I’m meeting my gynaecologist tomorrow. I have PCOS, and endometriosis (among other things). At present I am on no treatment, but the doctor is constantly suggesting the Mirena coil (IUD) to help with my symptoms. I have always declined but am at a point now where I really need my symptoms controlled. I think she will probably suggest it tomorrow again.

I have recently posted about family planning issues, and am strongly considering NFP but have not yet started. At present my husband and I are abstaining.

My question is… if I use an IUD for the intended purpose of helping my gynae symptoms. (Or an oral contraceptive pill [but not for contraception reasons])… Is this ok in the eyes of the church?

If contraception is a secondary effect but not an intended effect… is that acceptable?

My issue is this - Deep down I would welcome the contraceptive effect (see previous post if you can be bothered reading), so I worry that I would be sinning by using this treatment.

BUT I really need my symptoms treated as they are interfering with my life so much.

If I happened to use IUD, but also engaged in NFP to ensure an egg is not fertilised etc, is that acceptable?

Any advice welcome
Gah! Of course. Why didn’t I think of that. Of course NFP would then not be accurate.

I really don’t know what to do now.

If I decide to go for the IUD, and weigh up all side effects and reasons for using etc… Can I really justify that it’s just for symptom management (which it would be - I would never ever get for contraception) when I know deep down it’s a contraceptive too?
Double Effect

This link might help.

Clearly you would need the treatment whether you were sexually active or not and you’ve done your best to delay as much as you can.

Definitely reassure yourself by having a word with your Priest but, having seem the state of my friend when her gynae issues flared, you totally have my sympathy and you need to follow medical advice.

Prayers and best wishes!
No don’t worry I have been educating myself on this for years which is why I haven’t jumped into it before now. But my symptoms are really getting on top of me that I’m having to reconsider.

Unfortunately I won’t get a priest between now and tomorrow.

Just wanted to have my options clear in my head before going to my appointment, and now I have no idea.

I find gynae doctors here never discuss ethical or faith considerations which makes things very difficult.
I won’t get a priest in the next few hours unfortunately.

And even if I could, I wouldn’t know who to go to. I’ve literally only come back to the faith a few months, during lock down in my country, and with minimal opportunities to get to know any priest. Would really struggle with lifting the phone up to contact the parish hall to discuss this.
The National Catholic Bioethics Center can help address your concern. You can even submit a question directly for a response: https://www.ncbcenter.org/

That said, the Church permits the use of drugs for legitimate medical treatment even if it has the non-intended, accidental side effect of causing infertility (temporary or permanent). That you would on some level be relieved by the accidental effect doesn’t negate it’s morally licit use.
No it won’t have to be final by tomorrow, but because of covid these appointments are impossible to get so I would like to have a fairly firm idea of what I wanted to do.
Thank you. As mentioned in that article…

“The Church does not consider illicit the use of those therapeutic means necessary to cure bodily diseases, even if a foreseeable impediment to procreation should result there from—provided such impediment is not directly intended for any motive whatsoever (Humanae Vitae 15)”

If the impediment to procreation is not intended, but is welcomed, is that still not considered illicit?

Note I am currently not in a situation to have other children (complicated) hence the abstinence with my husband. But we would like to be intimate again soon so was considering NFP in order not to conceive.

Now if I use the IUD would that be, on a deeper level, willing contraception?
Even though I would never use it for the intended purpose of contraception?

I’m even confusing myself.
“The Church does not consider illicit the use of those therapeutic means necessary to cure bodily diseases, even if a foreseeable impediment to procreation should result there from—provided such impediment is not directly intended for any motive whatsoever (Humanae Vitae 15)”
I think you’re reading into it too far, here. You’re not “welcoming” it for the purpose of stopping conception, you’re needing it for the purpose of treating an illness. You’re not intending it for any motive, just for treatment.

Do speak with your priest, but as far as I can tell, you’re fine and shouldn’t have to use NFP (nor can you anyway, as another poster pointed out).
Have you discussed laparoscopic surgery as a treatment from your gynecologist?

Hormonal contraceptives just slow the growth of endometriosis.

I have endometriosis and had surgery in 2014. The surgery is not a cure, there is no cure, but the growth has not returned enough for me to experience any symptoms at this point in time.

The surgery as a treatment takes the morality concern out of the equation.
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Thanks for your reply. So in your opinion you feel I would be ok to use the contraceptives for the benefit of the symptoms… and have intercourse with my husband knowing I can’t conceive as an extra “perk” of the medication? Is that not sinful… that I’m happy with the fact I shouldn’t become pregnant?

I will speak with a priest at some stage. And I won’t make any decisions solely based on all of your advice… just seeking opinions really.
So in your opinion you feel I would be ok to use the contraceptives for the benefit of the symptoms… and have intercourse with my husband knowing I can’t conceive as an extra “perk” of the medication? Is that not sinful… that I’m happy with the fact I shouldn’t become pregnant?
I think you would be fine. The reason for the meds/IUD is to treat painful symptoms. Although you ‘welcome’ the contraceptive effect, you wouldn’t use the meds/IUD for this purpose alone if you didn’t have symptoms being treated. The very fact you are concern about being ‘too okay’ with the birth control aspect of medically necessary treatment demonstrates to me that your heart is very much in the right place. Enjoy your husband without burdening yourself with unnecessary guilt.
Thanks for your reply. So in your opinion you feel I would be ok to use the contraceptives for the benefit of the symptoms… and have intercourse with my husband knowing I can’t conceive as an extra “perk” of the medication? Is that not sinful… that I’m happy with the fact I shouldn’t become pregnant?

I will speak with a priest at some stage. And I won’t make any decisions solely based on all of your advice… just seeking opinions really.
Yes. You’d be avoiding it if you didn’t need it for your illness, right?
Yes, wouldn’t even cross my mind
There you go. You’re not required to wear sackcloth and ashes and bemoan your fate while you use the device; you didn’t ask for it, you need it for your health. Any other effect it has while keeping you healthy is, in this case, incidental. Again, all my opinion and understanding and you should have a word with your priest, but that’s my takeaway from reading the rules.
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Well I had my appointment today. I didn’t accept the treatment suggested (IUD as predicted). I just couldn’t.
Although I know I wouldn’t be accepting it for contraceptive causes it still feels like I would be in a way, based on the fact I don’t want more children, and have been doing all I can to avoid this.

I have been in a predicament with contraception vs my catholic faith, so to accept the IUD feels like I would be taking the easy way out.

So as it stands I am living with my symptoms, not on any hormonal treatment (with contraceptive effect), abstaining from intercourse, and going to look into NFP (which is going to be difficult due to gynae issues).

I might reconsider in the future but that’s how things are as of today.


Thanks for all your thoughts.
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Well, all we can do at the end of the day is go with our gut. I do still suggest talking with your priest about it when you get a chance, just so you’ve got all the information.

Be sure to take care of yourself as needed, too. If you need rest or the like when your symptoms get bad, you rest; and do check in with us, yeah?
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