My take on Mary the mother of Jesus. First there are probably not a thousand words in the bible that relates directly to her. So all of the many attributes that are assigned to her that are not found directly in scripture were made up by man. It seems she was held in such high regard that people over the years were obsessed with giving her hundreds of titles that have no relation to her being the mother of Jesus.
Our Lady of Victory
Gate of Heaven
Mystical Rose
Queen of the World
Star of the Sea
There were no real necessary reasons for these titles. They remind me of honorary titles bestowed on various world leaders, war heroes, etc. Nice but not really needed.
Also many books were written about her over the centuries. One university reports having over 10,000 volumes written about her, all derived from that thousand word bible reference (and surely a ton of pious speculation).
The church tells us that Mary was very special in being chosen to be the mother of God. Agreed. They reasoned that she must have been born without the stain of original sin because that would only be fitting for the mother of Jesus. Fitting, but really necessary? I personally cannot see why dozens of other young, innocent, and humble Jewish virgins in her vicinity could not have been capable of giving birth to Jesus. Jesus himself, her offspring, needed to be baptized.
Once they recognized Mary as the mother of Jesus they added many other titles over the centuries,
Lady of Providence
Lady of Ransom
Lady of Solitude
and on and on
Mary started off as a meek, humble maidservant of God, doing his will in all things. It sometimes seems that in her later appearances to various seers, she was compelled to start making strange demands. Demanding, for instance, that the poor villagers near where she appeared build big expensive churches in her honor, and to say hundreds of repetitive Hail Marys for many months to make up for the sins of the world. She asked that the Church consecrate various non-Catholic countries and non-believers to her Immaculate Heart. These peoples may have never heard of an Immaculate Heart. I seriously wonder sometimes if the being that the famous visionaries saw over the centuries was really the Virgin Mary.
In summary the Church’s present concept of the Virgin Mary and all her attributes and her so called appearances and messages around the world lead me to a state of real confusion bordering on doubt.
I should have accepted my 3rd grade teacher’s introduction of her as a nice pious virgin who was the mother of Jesus and that’s all. The things I learned about her in the rest of my Catholic education, in grade school, high school, and college, as I see it, all mostly speculation, only led me to question it all.
Our Lady of Victory
Gate of Heaven
Mystical Rose
Queen of the World
Star of the Sea
There were no real necessary reasons for these titles. They remind me of honorary titles bestowed on various world leaders, war heroes, etc. Nice but not really needed.
Also many books were written about her over the centuries. One university reports having over 10,000 volumes written about her, all derived from that thousand word bible reference (and surely a ton of pious speculation).
The church tells us that Mary was very special in being chosen to be the mother of God. Agreed. They reasoned that she must have been born without the stain of original sin because that would only be fitting for the mother of Jesus. Fitting, but really necessary? I personally cannot see why dozens of other young, innocent, and humble Jewish virgins in her vicinity could not have been capable of giving birth to Jesus. Jesus himself, her offspring, needed to be baptized.
Once they recognized Mary as the mother of Jesus they added many other titles over the centuries,
Lady of Providence
Lady of Ransom
Lady of Solitude
and on and on
Mary started off as a meek, humble maidservant of God, doing his will in all things. It sometimes seems that in her later appearances to various seers, she was compelled to start making strange demands. Demanding, for instance, that the poor villagers near where she appeared build big expensive churches in her honor, and to say hundreds of repetitive Hail Marys for many months to make up for the sins of the world. She asked that the Church consecrate various non-Catholic countries and non-believers to her Immaculate Heart. These peoples may have never heard of an Immaculate Heart. I seriously wonder sometimes if the being that the famous visionaries saw over the centuries was really the Virgin Mary.
In summary the Church’s present concept of the Virgin Mary and all her attributes and her so called appearances and messages around the world lead me to a state of real confusion bordering on doubt.
I should have accepted my 3rd grade teacher’s introduction of her as a nice pious virgin who was the mother of Jesus and that’s all. The things I learned about her in the rest of my Catholic education, in grade school, high school, and college, as I see it, all mostly speculation, only led me to question it all.