Please help me out here…I am very blessed with 2 children we conceived with no problems. Since then, I have suffered multiple miscarriages and ectopics, resulting in the loss of many pregnancies. For the past few years, we have been told IVF is our only option. Knowing it was against the church, we didnt even think about it. This past year, after my last loss I realized that the only way we could even conceive would probably be through IVF. We so desire a big family…after prayer and much thought, we peacefully opted to attempt one round of minimal stimulation where they hoped to get a few eggs and we said we would implant 2. I knew deep down that we may have excess embryos, but wasnt too concerned, thinking that probably wouldnt happen and we wouldnt have to make that decision. I had no problem with the procedure, just didnt want to have leftover embryos. Well, we are midway through and it looks like we will ahev leftover embryos. I want to be excited and feel like God’s hand is upon us and yet I am fearing the worst as I will probably have embryos that I either need to donate to others, to science or dispose of, which I refuse to do. I cant turn back, but now I wonder what do I do? I am scared…and up until the other day I felt so peaceful and felt so many prayers. We go in for the transfer of 2 embryos on Sunday and I keep thinking these may be the new additions to the family…I am not upset we did this, I just thought for sure we wouldnt have so many embryos left. Please share thoughts, advice…