J Vernon Mcgee

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I have a Protestant family member who follows popular radio bible teacher J Vernon McGee and bases much of their theology on his teaching. Does anyone know much about him from a Catholic point of view. Any information would be appreciated.
I think I heard of the guy has huge southern old man drawl. I Beleive he is a Southern Babtist not Baptist in the South its Babtist. He’s quite the fundamentalist. Interestingly he is one of the few fundies who is pretty slick with the church fathers. He does a good job of selective quotation and taking things out of context. He will quote quite liberally the 2 or 3 fathers who were suspected to be chialiast (millinialist) but quite conveniently leave out the dozens that were not. Of course he make the chialist modern day left behind afficianados. They were not despite they millinial leanings they did not beleive in a rapture where beleivers escaped a tribulation not a zionist interpretation of the end of days. THey beleived christians would undergo tribulation and the end of days focused on christians not Jews. Mr MCGee conveniently leaves that out. HE quotes them for supporting the trinity, worship on Sunday, and we would agree on that but that doesn’t make them Babtist like he alludes to. He said they gave diverse opinions on eternal security. Pure Bunk they all denied eternal security! OF course he doesn’t mention all the fathers beleived in baptismal regeneration and the real presence of christ in the eucharist something all southern babtist deny! He says they gave conflicting options on this! Pure Bunk! Its really sad at how not only do they butcher the scriptures but the church fathers as well. If one were not to do their own research you would swear the fathers were southern babtist.

If you have family listening to this be prepared. Read Catholcism and Fundamentilsim for Mr McGee is certianly a fundee.
The man’s radio show is still on, but he himself has been dead for a number of years.

I’ve listened to his program, but I don’t like him. Not only because of his theology, but also because of his attitude. He seems to have an arrogant, holier than thou attitude about his faith. That completely turns me off.

And yes, his theology is very wrong. He’s an anti-Catholic fundamentalist. I stay away from his teachings as much as I possibly can.

Scout :tiphat:
Quite specifically, J Vernon McGhee is a Dispensational Millenialist. This theology is completely at odds with Catholicism and I would avoid it, unless you are already well grounded in Catholic Apologetics and want to educate yourself with the arguements of the anti-Catholics. The particular bent of McGhee is anti-alcohol. He has a particular loathing for any consumption whatsoever of any alcoholic beverage, even going so far as to claim that “wine” in the time of Jesus didn’t really have the same alcohol content as wine of today.
THe dude is dead and they are still playing him on the radio?
I thought Fulton Sheen had staying power but this guy might be his competetion.
And Yes I have heard the wine thing he says Jesus drank grace juice. Ridiculous at the time of Christ there was no such thing as grape juice for one thing their was no refrigerators back then grape juice goes bad real quick without refrigerators thus that type of gruice was never used for juice. The grapes at the time in the middle east grown were all grapes intent of being fermented alcohol. WIne kept really well they just added a little water and you have some good wine. Ever notice the mixture of water and wine at mass. That is an ancient custom and tradition that is how one would drink wine in the time of christ you would add water to it. But fundies all think in terms of modern day america and how we consume beverages.
The process of storing unfermented grape juice was unheard of until the Welches Grape Juice Company perfected it in the 1800’s, a Protestant family owned company.

In Biblical times, after the annual harvest, they just kept the fresh squeezed grape juice in the freezer.:whacky:
The particular bent of McGhee is anti-alcohol. He has a particular loathing for any consumption whatsoever of any alcoholic beverage, even going so far as to claim that “wine” in the time of Jesus didn’t really have the same alcohol content as wine of today.
Reason enough to avoid him…
The process of storing unfermented grape juice was unheard of until the Welches Grape Juice Company perfected it in the 1800’s, a Protestant family owned company.

In Biblical times, after the annual harvest, they just kept the fresh squeezed grape juice in the freezer.:whacky:
Ever notice how welch’s grace juice has replaced wine and water at the evangelical and fundamentlist church service. They will go to no end to deny even the proper form of the sacramanet is held by the catholic church. I am sure if the apostles would be just looking at these guys like what are you yahoos doing?
Before I came back to the Catholic Church, I was receivng his liturature in the mail.
Yes, J. Vernon died in 1988 from cancer, but the support his “Thru the Bible” program gets since then is strong financially.

A comment:
I don’t quite remember the exact quote he gave, but as I recall, J. Vernon really danced around John 6:53 and following. I believe he may have divided the verses up when Christ talks about the body and the spirit and J. Vernon did so.

I still get the ‘notes’ for his Bible study, but do not read them. I think that if some Catholic apologist would want them to study the Fundamentalist point of view, I would surely give them away. BUT I am on year2 of the 5 year set. In three or so years, we can talk…why break up the set?

Go with God!
Ever notice how welch’s grace juice has replaced wine and water at the evangelical and fundamentlist church service. They will go to no end to deny even the proper form of the sacramanet is held by the catholic church. I am sure if the apostles would be just looking at these guys like what are you yahoos doing
Thanks all for the thoughts… I once had a conversation with a family member who listens to Dr. McGee. They interpret Jesus reference at the Last Supper of “Fruit of the Vine” as just that literally fruit of the vine. When you present them proof that it could not have been unferemnted Grape juice (ie, Welch did not invent Grape Juice until 1869, the writings of Josephus, a Jewish contemporary of Jesus which has a reference to Fruit of the Vine as Wine, Paul’s recommending to Timothy to have a little wine for your stomache, Jesus is called a drunkard in Gospels, His Changing water into wine, etc) they will tend to duck the issue by saying that Bible says Fruit of vine, not wine and even if Jesus used wine it doesn’t matter anyway since their communion is mere memorial. I’ve come to believe this a consequence of their denial of the real presence. I’ve come to believe based fundamentalists I know that had Jesus not commanded them to “Do this in Rememberance of me” there would be no communion at all in their churches. My mother’s non-denominational church split up over the frequency of communion issue. The pastor who wanted have communion only once or twice a year left and took 80% of its members with him. The rest who owned the church building were left had search a year for a new pastor. Its hard for me to read how the Eucharist was of such central importance in the early church become a like appendix to the body in some of these churches.
The process of storing unfermented grape juice was unheard of until the Welches Grape Juice Company perfected it in the 1800’s, a Protestant family owned company.

In Biblical times, after the annual harvest, they just kept the fresh squeezed grape juice in the freezer.:whacky:
So that’s where grape popsicles come from. Thank’s for the insight.
J. Vernon McGee was a protestant… what else do you need to know about his teachings ? As Catholics, we are obliged to convert him or avoid him like the devil!
The process of storing unfermented grape juice was unheard of until the Welches Grape Juice Company perfected it in the 1800’s, a Protestant family owned company.

In Biblical times, after the annual harvest, they just kept the fresh squeezed grape juice in the freezer.:whacky:
That was an interesting take he made.

I believe however, that McGee said that because Christ made the wine at the request of Mary at the wedding because they had none, it would have been fresh and not fermented because the water was turned to fresh wine. No opinion from me, just what McGee said in one of his tapings on that matter
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