James 1:22

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Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.
Do what it says.
–James 1:22 (NIV)

What we know and even what we believe are not that
significant if they don’t show up in the way we live. Pure and
simple, faith not lived everyday is not faith, it is facade.

Holy God, help me put into practice what I know is your will
and your truth today. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.
This is a great verse to really take to heart!
The closer I get to God the more free I feel to share my faith and do whatever is required of me.
Your prayer is beautiful.
I believe we all need to “pray always”. Its not just repeating words, its placeing God in the center of your life where He belongs!
Carrie Andrews:
This is a great verse to really take to heart!
The closer I get to God the more free I feel to share my faith and do whatever is required of me.
Your prayer is beautiful.
I believe we all need to “pray always”. Its not just repeating words, its placeing God in the center of your life where He belongs!
Thank you, and Amen!
Great verse…thanks!

One interesting side note: In the book of Revelation when Christ speaks to the seven churches giving them either rebuke or exortation, he often ends the passage with the words, "For he whom has ears to hear what the Spirit says"…

It’s interesting that he uses the word “Hear”. when he rebukes several churches. He also threatens to remove their lampstands (loss of light =death) if His warnings are not heeded, so he is requiring action for faith to be real.

The word for Hear in the Hebrew tongue is "Shemah", and and the Shemah is recited liturgically in Jewish synagouges to this day.

***“Hear oh Isreal, the Lord your God is one, and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and so on…” ***

Comes from **Deuteronomy chapter 6 **in the Old Testament. “Hear” to a Jew or Isrealite means when the word is heard it requires immediate action. Hearing=doing!

When James is exorting his congregation in Jerusalem, he is speaking to a “Jewish” congregation familar with Jewsih liturgical life. The Shemah recital pre-dates the church and James congregation would have certainly understood the words, "Be doers of the word’ in the context of orthodox Jewish life.

He also states that the “demons believe and shudder”, re-emphasizing his point that simply hearing without action is not faith, because faith requires us to do something. Anyway, hope this wasn’t to much of a tangent, great scripture pick!

Peace of Christ to you
Very well said Mike, and not a rant at all, I really enjoyed your post!
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